Slow Down*
I didn’t write last night.
The truth is, I was so tired. We had a busy weekend and I was a little worn out. Instead of writing I curled up in my bed and read The Thorn Birds. Then M & I watched a bit of a movie before I was ready to completely pass out.

Saturday was a whirlwind of chores and family activities. M likes to take H along with him when he runs–H bikes along beside him and they blast music from a little speaker attached to H’s bike. They normally go for 5 kilometers or so… on Saturday they did nine. My six year old boy biked for NINE kilometers. I was so impressed.
That afternoon we had plans to visit some friends and go for a swim in their pool. We spent a beautiful afternoon in the sun swimming and jumping on their trampoline. Needless to say, H was completely zonked after and it was all we could do to keep him awake until bedtime.
Sunday was P’s fourth birthday. We got him an Arkham Asylum set that ended up being taller than he was. He has barely left it since he opened it and was in absolute heaven playing with it all day.
I spent most of the day in the kitchen making and decorating his cake & prepping food for his requested dinner. It was a quiet day, but no one complained. The kids played with their toys and got some extra Nintendo time… and P got his dinosaur cake. Everybody wins. :)
Today was grocery pick up day for me. I’ve been doing some cleaning out and had three large bags of donation items waiting in the garage (M was thrilled about that), so I finally took them to drop off before getting the groceries. It felt weird to be back at one of my favourite haunts and not go inside… I miss thrifting. I don’t feel ready to go in yet, but I hope I will soon.
This afternoon I tried to dig out the house a bit after the weekend–it always astounds me just how much mess can accumulate in two days if I’m not on top of it. Then of course it was time to make dinner, visit with my family via video call and get the kids ready for bed.
I swear, sometimes I sit down at night and I have absolutely no idea where the day has gone. Out of the blue, my mom sent me a link to a youtube video tonight and encouraged me to watch it when I had a quiet moment. After Miss S and I had our “Anne Time” tonight (we’re on the third movie now) I curled up on my bed and watched it.
I got SO emotional. It’s like a lullaby that it just hauntingly beautiful, and it was just exactly what I needed to hear. We’ve had a lot going on lately, and it was such a good reminder to just… slow down. To be at peace.
I’ve attached the video here for you if you’d like to watch it… it’s definitely one I’ll listen to again. Thanks Mom. ❤️