• My thoughts*

    I Miss Choir*

    My word for 2017 was Brave. All year long I tried to step out of my comfort zone a little bit, and do the things I might otherwise shy away from because I’m nervous, self-conscious or afraid. One of the things that has always been on my bucket list was to join a choir, so last year, I decided to be brave and just did it. I looked up a few local choirs online, made a choice and jumped in. I started off with another interested friend, but it didn’t work out for her and I ended up on my own. I didn’t know anyone, but I stuck with it…

  • Teaching*

    Not My Favourite Interview*

    I just finished my whirlwind Monday cleaning, and procrastinating making my children’s lunches for tomorrow seemed more appealing than actually making them, so, here I am. I ended up taking all of last week off work because the kids and I were sick, so tomorrow is my first day back. I’m still not 100%, but I don’t really want to have to take any more time off either. Luckily I’m just booked for a morning, so I can come home and crawl into bed tomorrow afternoon if need be. It’s the best of both worlds. :) Tomorrow is another random assignment from the system. I’m heading to a school I…

  • Kids

    Yogurt Toobebrush*

    I had a moment where I was pretty proud of myself today. After lunch, I collapsed on the couch and tried to close my eyes for a few minutes before it was time to wake P up. We actually made it to church today, but I’m still not feeling great and it just about did me in. As I was laying there, H sauntered in eating a frozen yogurt tube. He gave me a big smile and said, H: “Mom, when I’m all done I’m going to brush my teeth.” As he was speaking, I couldn’t help but smile. Over the last year H has come leaps and bounds with…

  • My thoughts*,  Kids

    I Had a Nap Today*

    After a string of super busy weekends, we finally had a glorious home day. M took the kids to ringette this morning, but I didn’t even leave the house and it was so lovely. I can’t seem to kick this cold, so P and I enjoyed a quiet morning, then this afternoon I shoved all the laundry waiting to be folded onto M’s side, then crawled into bed and had a nap. I was so cozy underneath my duvet and all our clean laundry. I could have happily stayed buried there all day, but there is a gaggle of small people who live here who like to be fed and…

  • Kids

    The Turn Tooth*

    This has been one of the worst colds I’ve had in a long time. I rarely ever take any OTC medications–after six years of pregnancies + nursing I just got used to natural remedies and find they are usually enough to see me through. Yesterday my throat was so sore that I caved and took some Benylin to see if it would help. I was in no mood to deal with any complaining at dinner time, so I whipped up a gourmet meal for the kids: frozen pizza. S almost never eats the crusts on her pizza. We normally have a deal where she eats to the crust and I…