• Thrifty Thursdays*

    Thrifty Thridays – Shoe Collections*

    When I 17 I got my first “real” job working as a sales associate at Payless Shoes. Before I took the job I had always liked shoes, but they had never been something I thought much about. I applied at the store as it was close to my parent’s home and it looked like a nice place to work. I loved absolutely everything about that job. My manager was like a second father to me, the staff was amazing, the hours were great, and I was given an amazing staff discount. I didn’t use it at first… I had my staple pairs and that was that. And then, on evenings…

  • Random

    Thrifty… Friday?

    So. Let’s play a game. Let’s pretend that today isn’t really Thursday… let’s say it’s still… Wednesday. Which means that tomorrow will be Thursday. Which means that I still have time to write my Thrifty Thursday post for the week! (*bows head in shame*) Sorry loves. I spent all day planning how I was going to write my post and what I was going to show you, but the time to write it never actually materialized. *sigh* This week has just been insane. My house was a disaster zone today, and I could barely see my desk for all the paperwork and and clutter that was piled all over it.…

  • Complaining about something*

    …Is it over?

    Have you voted in my Thirfty Thursday Adventure poll yet?? (—>) I’m fairly certain that today was the longest day ever. Last night I got a supply call for an afternoon at one of my favourite schools. It’s close to home, the staff is fun and the kids are great. I always enjoy working there. As I had the morning off, I planned to organize the house and get all kinds of laundry done. I woke up this morning, got dressed and helped the Hubster get ready for work. I sorted the laundry, and was about to take it down to the laundry when the phone rang. I looked at…

  • My thoughts*,  Shoe Stuff*,  I'm an Auntie*,  Thrifty Thursdays*

    Babies & Babbling*

    He’s here. :) After many long months of waiting, my perfect little nephew arrived this morning at 9:20am. He is a healthy 9 lbs 3 oz, and both the baby and Peeah are doing well. In fact, because she is super woman, she was back at home shortly after lunch.  I spoke with her this afternoon and she sounded so happy–tired, but happy. I haven’t met him yet, but I hear my little nephew has reddish blond hair and I’m positive I will absolutely melt when I hold him on Thursday. (…is it Thursday yet?) I hate that I’m not with my family right now, but as we were already…

  • Random

    Happy Heart Day*

    Today the Hubster and I celebrated our 7th Valentine’s Day together, and I think it was one of my favourite ones ever. I think it’s safe to say that I had a rough day yesterday. After a long night (during which time little actual sleeping occurred) I awoke to supportive comments, emails and messages offering help and encouragement. Thank you for that. On a day were love is meant to be celebrated and shared, I certainly felt yours. And it meant the world to me. I  have more to say on this, but that’s for another post. Today was just… perfect. I didn’t end up working, and spent a lazy…