Big Birthdays*

I really wanted to write this yesterday, but I was so tired by 4pm that I went to take a 10 minute nap… and slept for nearly an hour and a half. Then the Hubster and I went on a date night to see Date Night (more on this later) and it was just late when I got home. There really aren’t enough hours in the day.
Anyway. I’m not usually one to make a big fuss about my birthday. In recent years the Hubster and I have just celebrated together by spending the day together and going out for dinner. He always buys me beautiful flowers and a thoughtful gift, but it’s always sort of a low key day.
But this year I kind of want things to be different– in two months minus one day (see why I needed to write this yesterday?!) I will be turning 25 years old.
I feel like 25 is one of those milestone years and I really don’t want to skip over it like I normally would. I feel like it makes me seem completely selfish, but I just want to do something special this year. I feel I need to do something to kick off 25 in hopes that it will be better than 24.
It’s been a hard year for me. Parts of it have been beyond amazing, while the rest I’m ready to move on from. I just feel like I’m stuck in one place and I want to do something to remind myself that I won’t be here forever. The Hubster is the ever-bright spot in my life, and I’m just so… ready for life to start. I’m ready to begin my career. I’m ready to own a home. I’m ready to start a family. I’m ready to get there but everything depends on me and my ability to find a “real” job. I just need something to remind me that some day I’ll wake up and realize that where I am now is just a distant memory–a brief bump in the road.
The thing is, I’m so out of practice with the whole birthday thing I don’t even know what I want to do. We are hoping our big trip of the summer will be to visit his parents on the East Coast so a vacation really isn’t in the cards. I don’t know… I want to do something with lots of people, something fun that will make a memory that will last a lifetime.
I guess I just want this one to stand out, you know?
How do you celebrate your big birthdays?

hahaha MY 25th birthday was two weeks and one day after giving birth to the kid…and was spent at a baby shower for her. NOW we have such a fantastic fuss at her birthday mine is kind of lost in the hustle-and-bustle of birthday season. Which I absolutely KNEW would happen the moment I heard the due date (her birthdate, actually – she's one of these weird little prompt things).
BUT I am ABSOLUTELY throwing a huzzah-I'm-FINALLY-finished-school-and-Mr.-Man-got-an-awesome-job party because I just feel like CELEBRATING!! I'm going to invite too many people, clean my house so it sparkles from every-which angle, have oodles of food, make people wear something stupid like hats or leis, have the GLEE soundtracks playing…. it's going to be epic. And we didn't have a wedding cake – thought it'd be fun to have a life-is-rocking-my-socks cake. (I LOVE the one you've posted…hmmmm…. )
Do what you think will be fun. Gosh, round up oodles of people and do something “stupid” like have a birthday party at a bowling alley with pizza and cake and the works! Or McDonald's play place. Or laser tag or something that the thought of just makes you grin. :)
I am turning 25 this year too in November! :)
I've been planning a Vegas trip for my 25th since I turned 21 and had the lamest b-day ever… if a trip isn't in the cards, maybe you could rent out part of your favorite restaurant and have a big party instead.
I go for low key, honestly. I just love a good dinner and good friends.
You know, I can't even remember how I spent my 25th, it wasn't a memorable birthday. My best birthdays in my 20's haven't been the 'big' ones (21st and 25th) but some of the others: my 22nd (crazy party), 27th (my first married birthday – meal and cinema with VH) and 29th (a day out in London with close friends). I've got a 'big' birthday coming up at the end of this year (3-0)- and I'm thinking a party!
How about a fancy dress party or a trip out to a theme park with friends and family for your 25th?