My Almost-Announcement*

Let me tell you a story.
Two nights ago a certain Shop Girl was exhausted after a long, grueling day at work and decided to abandon her beloved computer to watch TV with her Hubster on the couch. After one program ended she decided to quickly check her email before the next one started only to find her computer internet-less with a tiny little caution bubble in her task bar.
Perplexed, she assumed that perhaps her Hubster, being the computer whiz that he is, was doing something computerish and was fiddling with the internet. She returned to the couch for another show.
Twenty minutes later, the Hubster also noticed a problem with the internet and attempted to fix it. No luck. Disappointed that she wouldn’t be able to blog about her big announcement that evening, the Hubster called the internet company to see what was going on only to hear an automated announcement that the internet was down in their entire area.
They went to bed early with the promise of internet the next morning.
There was no internet the next morning. Or the next afternoon. Or the next evening. Not impressed, the Hubster called again only to find out that the internet company had some how fried their magic internet box and would need to send them a new part the following day.
After many long Amish-like internet–ness hours, the internet arrived at 9am this morning, just as Shop Girl was leaving for the gym. Needless to say, that was a bit delayed whilst she caught up on emails, Twitter and blogs.
The End.
…wasn’t that a sad story?
I hate not having the internet. Hate it. I’m quite possibly addicted, but this is me, not caring. I will feed this addiction. Dang you, internet company, dang you! Thank goodness for Puralator and their speedy service. :)
Anyway. During my absence I received several messages, emails, and wall posts telling me how very, very mean I am for prolonging the announcement of my big announcement. Well here I am, not announcing it again. haha
*ducks from things being thrown at me*
I’m actually ready to tell you, and have been for a day or two, but I don’t want to until I also have photo evidence of what it is so I can show you as well as tell you. Isn’t that just super exciting? I’m a total visual person, aren’t you?
BUT, as I know a few of you are not-so-patiently waiting, I will tell you a few things that it’s not to narrow it down a little for you. Aren’t I nice?
1) Sadly, I did not meet JTT. I’m pretty sure my life would basically be complete if I had, but I shall continue to let my inner pre-teen stalk him from a distance. I would really really love to get an autographed picture though, as I think that would just be… well… swoon worthy. I can’t decide if I’d want a current JTT picture or an old one though. Thoughts?
2) The Hubster is not a vampire. He is not Edward (although I think he’s much more attractive than that Robert Pattinson fellow who never washes his hair. Gross.) nor is he on that Tru Blood show everyone raves about. He is just my Hubster and I like him that way. :)
3) I DID get a job, but I also turned it down. I was offered a second part time job at a local grocery store, but as I’m working on something a little better at the moment (more on this soon) I thought it was best to pass for now. What I’m doing now is much more exciting anyway.
4) I also was unable to find my beloved Hammer Pants, much to my dismay (and I’m sure the dismay of Children of the 90’s who is patiently waiting for photo evidence that my homemade floral Hammer pants did, in fact, exist. haha). I’m sure I have a picture SOMEWHERE though… I shall continue the search.
There. Does that narrow it down a bit for you? :)
P.s. I will tell you the real bit before Sunday evening. Deal?

You know I am going to stop reading you for teasing us like this!
It's an ultrasound that you're waiting for, isn't it! I swear you must be pregnant. :)
Classroom Confessions
Lol! Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!
Okay I'll stop now. Congrats on getting internet back :)
You. Are. KILLING me!!!!
Can I just say, if you're NOT pregnant and it IS the car then that's going to be the BIGGEST let-down ever! hahahaha BUT I'll still love you, and feign excitement for your vehicle acquisition…..
I'm guessing you are pregnant. So, major congrats! But, would you mind sending an infertile girl a heads up e-mail so I can not have that gut-wrenching shock in my reader? If I know it's coming, I'm okay…otherwise, I'm a basket case!
Jill Pilgrim
I'm guessing that you are growing uterus fruit.
Here I am, catching up on my blogs, and I think, oh she has to have told us her announcement by now. Mean mean Shop Girl!!
And I think you'd want an autographed pic of JTT from his early days and one of now. Just to compare. I'm so sad that I lost mine, or else I'd take a pic and post it just for you! I think I must have kissed mine to death during the preteen years. Awkward!!!
Classroom Confessions
Btw, I left you a surprise on my blog :)
Shop Girl*
I just checked–thank you!!!
Shop Girl*
Haha well, I've spilled the beans now! I know, I know, I'm about two weeks late, but better late than never. ;)
And you're right, I WOULD want both. haha
Shop Girl*
I like apples.
Shop Girl*
Hi there Missy–I'm sending an email this very minute. xo
Shop Girl*
Oh hiiiiiiiiii Red. :)
I just made my announcement. You might hate me. haha
Shop Girl*
haha I just did! Go check!
Shop Girl*
Haha you'll have to go and see for yourself! ;)
Shop Girl*
Goodness me, I couldn't have that! I caved… it's up now!