Working Girl*

Oh lovelies, I haven’t forgotten you, I promise.
So, I’ve started working. I actually have to leave for work again in 15 minutes but I wanted to write a quick something to let you know I haven’t abandoned you (and I’m discovering that post-work I’m pretty much useless as I’m so tired. haha). My new job is okay–it’s nothing to dance about–but I am grateful for any kind of work at this point. My job is much more physical than I ever anticipated, and I come home exhausted and sore every day. It’s definitely not a job for ‘delicate’ women, I’m having a tough time keeping up with the pace and intensity of it, but I can’t complain. It’s a job. It pays money. So I go to work.
I am actively looking for something else though, either to supplement it or replace it. I applied for two office jobs today that would just be dreamy, but I know better than to get my hopes up these days. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
I’ve also decided that training for a new job sucks. I love the feeling of working when everything is familiar and comfortable, and you don’t have to ask questions about everything you’re doing. Right now I feel like I have eyes on me alllllll the time and my manager doesn’t trust me to do things by myself yet. It kind of makes me feel like a 5 year old, especially as the job I’m working definitely isn’t rocket science. But at the same time, I’m new and she has no idea what I’ll be like… so I just suck it up and count the hours until I’m done my training. haha
Anyway, that’s where I’ve been all week… working then coming home and collapsing on the couch. I don’t even think I’ve cooked a proper meal all week because I’ve had no energy after work. Popcorn is such a good meal replacement. ;)
P.s. Did you notice how I didn’t even refer to my announcement at all in this post? Did’ja? Well, until right now. I’m mentioning it now.
Hate me yet? haha

YES I hate you!!!!! You haven't even said WHERE you're working or what you're doing let ALONE the killing me with this exciting announcment….. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
I think this calls for some serious Facebook wall-posting… ;)
novelista barista
awe well welcome back!!! i hope theyre payin ya well for all this labor!!!! lol
Well, at least you have a positive attitude!
Amber (Girl with the Red Hair)
Ugh – getting back into the working groove is ALWAYS hard!! Glad to know you're still alive, though :-)
Love your attitude Shop Girl. Hope to “see” you again soon.
Classroom Confessions
Yay! Well I am glad you have a job even if it isn't ideal.
The suspense is killing me!!!
Lil' Woman
the suspense is killing me…lol : )
Lil' Woman
I suspense is killing me…lol :)
Shop Girl*
Bahaha oh my dear, it's coming soon! xo
Shop Girl*
Thanks–it's a stepping stone to something better!!! :)
Shop Girl*
Thanks JennyMac, life's too short to be negative all the time. It could definitely be worse! ;)
Shop Girl*
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so… this week has been brutal! haha
Popcorn and Diet Coke= Ideal fast dinner. Sometimes with an apple thrown in the mix to keep it healthy. I'm a teacher too, I think we must be separated at birth or something!
Shop Girl*
Blame my dad, it's in my genes. :)
Shop Girl*
Well, they are paying me SOMETHING which is more than the nothing I was making whilst I was unemployed, so it's a good deal to me! haha
Shop Girl*
Hahaha… I shall facebook you all the details of my new employment my dear.
Shop Girl*
Oh I like to throw an apple in there too!!!!! I was JUST about to go grab one from the fridge. haha! I always thought I was so weird because I like popcorn and apples for dinner… maybe it's a teacher thing! haha
Hey! I know how you feel! I've worked for the first time in two months this week and I've been exhausted!
I've also nominated you for an award. You can find it here:…
Shop Girl*
Thank you so much!!! I feel so special. :)