Shop Girl Shares Craftastrophe & Kristina P*
I have decided to make Mondays a little bit more exciting.
I like sharing. Mostly, I like when the Hubster buys yummy things and tries to hide them from me lovingly shares them with me. Buuut I also like sharing exciting things I find with you, so I’ve decided that every Monday will be Shop Girl Shares* Day! I have SO many glorious blogs that I read and so many fun sites I’ve found that it would really be very selfish for me not to share. Aren’t I nice?
SO… because today is the first of many sharing days I decided to share two fabulous things with you–Kristina P & Craftastrophe.
I discovered Kristina P’s blog (Pulsipher Predilections) a few months ago and secretly stalked read her blog before coming out of the closet as her biggest fan (in an only sort of creepy sort of way). I almost don’t even want to tell you anything about how awesome her blog is because I don’t want to spoil the surprise. She is witty, hilarious and simply fabulous. Go now, my children. Read and LOVE.
Yesterday the Hubster and I had a lovely BBQ with his parents and sister, Kay. After dinner Kay introduced us to a hilarious new website called Craftastrophe that is dedicated to exposing the fact that handmade crafts aren’t always “pretty”. (Yes, that image above is a knitted HAMBURGER dress. hahaha) The site is full of wondrous goodies for your viewing pleasure, but please, PLEASE start with THIS entry… it will either make you pee your pants laughing or puke. The Hubs laughed so hard he nearly stopped breathing… I had to walk away. haha!
So, enjoy my lovelies… until next Monday, same bat time, same bat channel.
Shop Girl*