I am home.
I’m sorry for the delay in posting–I had hoped to post on Sunday night, but we didn’t get back to Senior’s City until after 9:30pm. You might be thinking, “Why, that’s lots of time to write an inspired and wonderful blog post!” and if I was an organized and a non-procrastinator you would be right. However, on my vacation, I thought it would be a good idea to leave all my planning and marking until Sunday.
Needless to say, there was a frenzy of organizing and planning when I finally dug out my desk. I just thought, “I’ll get around to it on Monday. That’s when I said I’d post, right? I’m still a good blogger.” *hangs head in shame* I found out yesterday afternoon that I’d be starting a brand new geography unit on river systems an drainage systems… today. Guess who knew absolutely nothing about river systems and drainage basins before last night?? *waves hand madly in the air* Soooooo… last night was spent trying to learn the new unit / piece together some kind of a coherent lesson for today. WOO!!!!!
And here we are today. I have been living out of bags for the past 2 days so I finally made time to unpack and began to organize and clean a bit. I feel MUCH better. You can see our floors again and my kitchen is clean.
Despite all the planning, and marking, and unpacking, and cleaning, and blah… it’s good to be home. I am always so anxious to leave home before a vacation that I often forget just how good home is. I love our little life here in Senior’s City… it is quiet, calm and uncomplicated. It’s happy. :) I don’t know what it is… sometimes I feel an urge to get away and go somewhere… I don’t know if it’s just a need for a breath of fresh air, a change of some sort, but as soon as I’m gone I miss home. It’s a funny dynamic… I’m bizarre that way. But it does make me appreciate it all the more.
Florida was good. It was nice to be in the heat, shop a bit, read frivolous non-educational books and see my family. I think the Hubster enjoyed himself… the drive was a bit long for him, but he had a blast the two days he spent at Disney. If we go again we’re going to do things a bit differently though–I think our driving days are done… the next time we see Florida it will be from an airplane window. Driving gets complicated… flying is easy. And fast.
One of the best parts of the trip (for me) was reading. I don’t get a lot of time for “recreational” reading these days, and I have been waiting to read Twilight since August. I knew that once I started them I wouldn’t be able to stop… and true to form I read Twilight in one day, and New Moon the next. I am in love. I couldn’t get home fast enough to order the next two books on Amazon–I hear books three and four are phenomenal. (YAYYYYYY) I am hoping they take some time to arrive as I have no time to read them right now… haha
I also watched the movie. It just came out on DVD and I couldn’t wait to see it after drooling over Edward in the books for two days solid. I am sad to say that I was reeeeeally disappointed. After all the hype surrounding Robert Patterson I really really wanted him to be the Edward I imagined… and he just wasn’t. You know how Colin Firth IS Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice? There is absolutely NO question from the minute he starts smoldering on screen that he is Mr. Darcy, not Colin Firth. I wanted Patterson to BE Edward, not be a guy trying to play him. And sadly, I was disappointed. I have not completely given up on the movie, I think I need to see it again to make a better informed opinion, but I am still searching for MY Edward. *sigh* What did you think? My mom disagreed… she thought he fit the bill, but I’m not sure. Thoughts?
Anyway, I should probably throw some kind of a lesson plan together for tomorrow. Apparently it’s a requirement for teacher’s college… haha Six more weeks until I am a certified teacher and all this extra crap goes out the window!! HOO HAH!!!!
Shop Girl*