• My thoughts*,  Random Junk*

    Spanish Spam?

    I just got spammed in Spanish. Spanish! I’ve been spammed before, but it least it was in English and I didn’t have to find a free online translator to get an idea of what I was being spammed about. I don’t mind the occasional spam, so long as they follow my spamming guidelines: 1. Spam must be in English. Spam in languages I cannot understand is not spam, it’s gibberish. As my blog is written in English, I expect it to be spammed in English. French is permissible every so often, but please don’t make it a habit. 2. Spam must be short and to the point. You’ll probably lose…

  • Random Junk*

    Pieces of me*

    I like surveys. And as I was roaming through random blogs, I came across one that didn’t ask any obviously personal questions! So, here you are! Explain what ended your last relationship?: Well, it wasn’t very serious (he wasn’t a member of my church) and I met the man who would become my husband only 7 and a half months later. :) When was the last time you shaved? Umm… well, I was SUPPOSED to yesterday, but we woke up to no hot water which made for very quick showers. I think Thursday maybe? What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.?: Sleeping. What were you doing 15 minutes…

  • Handy Dandy Landlord / Apartment Junk*,  Daily Junk*

    Hot Water? What Hot Water?

    So. I’ve decided that my absolutely faaaaaaavourite thing to do in the morning is wake up to no hot water. Really. It’s wonnnnderful. Especially on Sundays, which is the only day of the week that we actually have to be awake, showered and dressed by 9am. Every other day of the week the earliest we need to leave is noon, so it’s nice when the hot water is turned off the morning we actually need it. Bah. I’m going to keep track of how many times we lose it this summer. Anyway, church was actually pretty nice today! Testimony meeting was nice, and we skipped story hour in Relief Society…

  • Exciting News*,  Daily Junk*

    New Look*

    Are you loving my new banner/logo at the top of my page? I am SERIOUSLY loving it. The Hubs and I have been playing around with some programs and we made that today!! I’ve wanted to do something different with the format and layout of my blog, so I’m hoping to make some neat little changes over the next little while. Anyway, it’s May! I really don’t know where April went, but all of a sudden it’s May 3rd. Crazy. I started my summer courses this week–one is online, and I have a really great prof for my in class course. He sits cross legged on the front desk while…