Wits End*
Time to vent.
I am at a loss. I teach two afternoons a week at a local elementary school. I spend an hour of each afternoon with a group of grade 6’s, and a group of grade 3’s. My grade 6’s are great. A little rambunctious sometimes, but they listen to and respect me. My grade 3’s are a different story. If I can get through a PAGE of my lesson, then that’s a REALLY good day. I need help. If anyone out there in that great big world has any ideas/strategies for holding attention of kids who don’t want their attention held, PLEASE HELP ME. haha It’s so frustrating for me. AH. mind you, every time I’m there it reaffirms my desire to teach high school when all is said and done. :)
More venting.
As you know, I have been co-chairing an organization at the university this year. You would also know that there’s been a little bit of drama concerning that. Today, I stepped down from being co-chair. I have had enough. I won’t get into details–but there was an email sent that made me feel like a pile of junk and after a really crappy day of teaching/still not feeling well, I had a good cry. Thank goodness the Hubster was here to hold me and make it better. I’ll still remain on the committee, but in a much lesser position. I just don’t want to deal with all the crap anymore. C’est fini pour moi.
More venting. I’m still sick. And although I did finish my beast of an essay last night, I have another 4-pager to do tonight. I know that’s hardly even considered a paper, I could probably write it in my sleep, but it’s just the fact that it’s there staring me in the face and I have to do it. Blah blah blah.
Onto the good news!! Amidst the crapiness of my teaching day, the principal of the school I work at offered me another job!! A slightly different position opened up and she asked me if I’d be interested in taking it, which obviously I am as the pay is wonderfully wonderful and it will look FABULOUS on my upcoming teacher’s college applications. So keep your fingers crossed and hopefully I’ll get it.
As well, I finally dropped another half pound and I’m down to 145.0. WOO.
Is today done yet?
Shop Girl*