Daily Junk*,  My thoughts*

Bedtime Blogging*

Oh goodness. When on earth did life get so impossibly busy??

When I was in university, I had so much free time I didn’t know what to do with myself. Now that I’m an old lady grown up, time flies by faster than I can handle and my days always seem so full. It’s 10:06pm, and I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve sat down today.

Well… I wasn’t evaluated today. I was so sure that it was going to happen, and then it didn’t. It was a great day all the same–I had three grade 12 classes and they were all completely amazing. Great kids, great courses and I actually got to teach a real lesson today, which was an awesome surprise.

Today I taught a grade 12 Writer’s Craft course, and I got to teach an introductory lesson into paraphrasing and analyzing poetry… which I absolutely love. I really enjoy poetry, and I always did very well with paraphrasing poetry in university. The kids really struggled with it at first, but began to get the hang of it and ended with a wonderful analysis. I was so proud!

After a busy day at school, I picked up the Hubster and ran a few errands before heading home. Thankfully I’m brilliant and decided to throw dinner in the crockpot this morning, so dinner was fast and easy.

Then it was out the door again. I had a baby shower this evening, and I went early to help set up and stayed late to clean up. It was a lovely shower, but I was so ready to get home.

And now, I’m curled up in bed with my new lovely netbook (for the second time this week) with the Hubster laying next to me watching a hunting video on our little bedroom TV. I’m pretty sure I’m going to dream about coyotes tonight… when I fall asleep in less than five minutes.

I’ve already been booked for tomorrow–I’m teaching English at the school I interviewed at a few weeks ago. I tried hard to be mad at them, but I love the English department too much. They requested to have me come in, so off I go. :)

And… in case you’re wondering, my nephew still hasn’t made his grand appearance. Peeah is so ready to have this baby, but he’s just not ready to come out yet. I think it’s just too cold–if I were him I’d wait too. haha! It was -20 today, and that’s much too cold to be allowed. I still have my money on 5pm on Friday!

Just keep Peeah in your thoughts–she’s 40 weeks plus one day pregnant and could use a little love.

…or tricks to bring on labor. Know any good ones that I could pass along?

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