Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*

New Look*

Are you loving my new banner/logo at the top of my page? I am SERIOUSLY loving it. The Hubs and I have been playing around with some programs and we made that today!! I’ve wanted to do something different with the format and layout of my blog, so I’m hoping to make some neat little changes over the next little while.

Anyway, it’s May! I really don’t know where April went, but all of a sudden it’s May 3rd. Crazy. I started my summer courses this week–one is online, and I have a really great prof for my in class course. He sits cross legged on the front desk while he lectures and laughs a lot. I find that it’s easier to pay attention with the prof does things to capture my attention. The class is a study of modern drama, so it looks reeeeeally good. I just finished reading the first play, “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen. If you haven’t read it, you should. It’s rather enjoyable.

Also, I am now technically unemployed. Yesterday was my last day of teaching at the school… BUT, as I went in to ask the principal to sign my last payroll sheet, she asked me to call her on Monday about potentially continuing until the end of the year!! So, I have my fingers crossed that everything will work out because it is such a great job, and the pay is amazing. haha

Let’s see what else is new… I don’t know if I even mentioned that my little cousin [Little G] is engaged!! He’s really not my ‘little’ cousin as he’s only 2 months minus 2 days younger than I am, but I like to give him a hard time about it. I’m very excited for them– they’re getting married at the beginning of August!! It’s one of 3 weddings we’ve been invited to (so far) this summer. It’s going to be a busy couple of months! haha

As well, I bought something. Something terribly fun. I needed a new one, and was inspired from a friend’s blog so last weekend we went out and bought one!! I am not going to write more about it until I have taken a good picture to display it’s loveliness, as it deserves a blog all on its own. It’s THAT good. Or at least I think so. :)

Oh, one more thing. Today marks day 6 that I have not checked Facebook. Isn’t that grand? The hubs told me last weekend that he didn’t think I could last a day without going on it, and I defiantly told him I could last a week… and here I am! Hahaha… you know you are addicted when…. anyway, it’s been a good week. I didn’t really realize how often I was checking it (it’s VERY addictive) and I’m glad I’ve had a break. I think that once my week is over that I’ll restrict myself to only checking it in the evening or something along those lines to keep it from taking over my life again. This is also day 1 of my no-chocolate regime, I did it before for several months and I want to see if I can do it again. We’ll see!!!

well, I think that’s all my updates. I should be able to write much more regularly now that I am back in school with reason to procrastinate once again. :)

Shop Girl*

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