
  • Parenting is hard sometimes.,  W*

    Good Things in Big Packages*

    Today was W’s two month checkup. It was our first time seeing my family doctor as we were with our midwives until now. I should preface this by saying that I love my doctor. We get along really well, and I will forever love her for how she reached out to me at home when she learned about my miscarriage. But today was… I don’t know. It was what it was. When she walked the the door, she warmly said hello to me, then smiled at W, who was calmly laying across my lap. Her eyes widened, then she smiled, and to him said: “Oh goodness! You’re so big! …why…

  • W*

    Two Months*

    Two months of our faces squished cheek to cheek,Of rocking and bouncing and sometimes no sleep. Two months of your smile and irresistible charm,Of holding you close (despite the sore arms). Two months of kissing your fingers and toes,Of both loving and hating watching you grow. Two months of feeling my dreams had come true,Of healing my heart.Of loving you. Love always,Me.

  • W*,  Letters*

    Dear W,

    I hope you always know just how much you were wished for. Longed for. Hoped for. Prayed for. Above all else, I hope you always know just how much you are loved. Love,Me