
  • Teaching*

    My Class is TOO Big, I Can’t Handle It!!

    Somehow I’ve already completed two weeks of my placement. I cannot believe how quickly the time is passing—in no time at all I’ll stop being the teacher and become the student again. *sigh* How many sleeps until May? So, my first week was AMAZING. Seriously. I officially and completely love this profession! My nerves completely dissolved by Wednesday, and my associate teacher even commented to me that he often forgets that I’m just a student teacher. (HOORAY!!!) That really meant a lot as he’s not the type of person to give undue praise—when he doesn’t like something he’s quite vocal about it. This week I focused a mini-unit on popular…

  • Teaching*

    English Teacher Shop Girl*

    Well, I survived!! Today was my very first day teaching high school and it went really well!! But that’s getting ahead of myself. Let’s go back a bit… I am currently completing one of my practicums and am on placement for 3 weeks. I’ve spent the last week observing classes in a local high school and it has been great. My associate teacher thinks outside the box and doesn’t want to create a “mini-me” version of himself and has let me observe a variety of classes with other teachers—which is pretty unusual for this placement. So, I’ve been taking notes and making all kinds of lovely doodles in my little…

  • Exciting News*,  Teaching*

    Teacher Shop Girl*

    I become Teacher Shop Girl* on Monday.:) I’ve been working in a school as a tutor for the past 6 weeks and it’s been AWESOME, but I’m so excited to actually get into a classroom and start teaching. As it turns out, I’ll be teaching a grade 10 applied English course and I am SO excited. Now you’re probably wondering why I would pair this post with a picture of Billy Idol. Wellllllll that’s because I’m freaking working with him! Well, not really, but I swear it’s my associate teacher could be his double… haha! When [Mr. Idol] walked into the office to meet me I was sooo shocked. He…