• Complaining about something*,  SMRT*

    Some Like It Hot*

    I love spicy food. I’ve always enjoyed a dish that can clear out your sinuses, as does the Hubster. His tolerance for it is even higher than mine–he often asks for things to be a little spicier than even I like it. When we go out for Japanese food I’m pretty sure that there is so much wasabi in his soya sauce that it’s basically solid. haha Since we learned about his new food sensitivities in the summer, I’ve been experimenting with recipes from around the world. I find that so much of Canadian / American food is drenched in dairy or wheat, so I’ve been learning how to cook…

  • Complaining about something*,  Daily Junk*,  Weight Tracker*,  SMRT*

    PEBUAC* (I am smrt.)

    Oh, hi Tuesday. **Have you voted in my poll yet??? (–>) Today felt like it went by reeeeeeeally fast. Yesterday was a slow hazy headachy day (I only slept for 3 hours on Sunday night… oy evay) and today was a blur! It started off a little rocky, but turned out nicely. Let’s recap: After finally sleeping MUCH better last night I woke up feeling like a new woman. I sent the Hubster off to work, curled up in my huge computer chair that I recently stole from the Hubs side of le office and caught up on some lovely blogs until I decided it was time to run. Now…

  • My Wedding*,  SMRT*

    Tales of a Runaway Wedding Ring*

    Many moons ago, in the days before I became the Wifester, the Hubster asked me to marry him and gave me a big beautiful diamond ring. It was so sparkly and beautiful and pretty that I swore that I would never lose it. Now, in those days, I was a scatterbrained 19-year-old student (with near professional procrastinating skills… ha) who lost everything. I could never find my phone unless it was ringing, and had a notorious record for losing my inexpensive jewelry. The Hubster often not-so jokingly told me he was going to secretly replace my pretty sparkly diamond with a hunk of cubic zirconia so that when I lost…

  • SMRT*,  Crazy City Stories*

    Pick-Up Line Offenders*

    I sometimes think there is an old woman trapped inside my body. Despite this theory, I went out last night. (no seriously, I actually left my apartment and went… to a pub. *GASP* I know, CRAZY, right??) I actually had a really good time too… but here’s is how I know there is an old woman living inside me: 1) Karog and I didn’t leave until 10pm. I actually had to coach myself into thinking that 10pm was not that late… because in my head that was 2 hours past jammie time. (jammies = pjs) 2) I wanted to go to see some friends and wish BD* a happy birthday,…

  • SMRT*

    The BOMB Story*

    The Hubster and I were taking the bus together somewhere last week when we heard a ticking sound… sort of like the sound you hear when you turn on your signals in a car. As we listened to the tick-tick-tick-tick of the mysterious bus sound, we were reminded of the time we heard a bomb in our apartment. One night, many moons ago, the Hubster and I were enjoying a quiet evening at home. I was busy doing homework (Facebook) while the Hubster worked hard on a project (Team Fortress 2). I had some music on as I often do, but as I listened I realized that the beat was…