Random Junk*
So. Very. Tired.
I. am. so. tired. Holy mother of pearl… today was SO long. I had my first 8am class (ever) and had to be up at 5:30 in order to have time to shower, eat, get ready and make it on time (it takes an hour on the bus this week). That’s not SO bad, except that I had class all day and didn’t get home until 7pm or so. And I get to do it alllll again tomorrow. WOO! I still like my classes so far though. Keep your fingers crossed that they will stay good for me. haha I actually just wanted to write a quick post to let…
Making it Last*
I started classes at my teacher’s college today. And while it was exciting to get the ball rolling and get things underway, in all honesty it didn’t REALLY feel all that different from my undergraduate classes! I’ll report more at the end of the week when I have a few more classes under my belt. But you know what is MOST exciting? From here on in, pretty well everything I do will be my “last” time doing it, at least in Senior’s City. For example: We just celebrated our last anniversary we’ll spend in this city. Today was my last “first day of school” as a student. This is our…
Summer of Reading*
I love summer. During the lovely, lovely months of May, June, July and August I have no classes which in turn means that there are no dreaded assigned readings. Which are almost guaranteed to be boring unless they are with my most favourite professor ever who makes everything delightful. Anyway, I digress. I take advantage of these four months to reestablish my love of reading that each school year inevitably destroys. Word to the wise–if you love reading, never ever become an English major. I decided that as I am reading like CRAZY this summer (especially as I now get paid to sit in the sun and read) I’d keep…
Yo Mamma!
It’s been a busy day but I wanted to leave you with a little something. I’m on the lookout for fun personalized license plates. I found this one recently and fell in love. Best of all–it’s parked outside a senior’s building. haha!! Seen any good ones lately? Shop Girl*
Upbeat / Dance / Workout Music*
So, I’m coming to you once again. The last time I posted that I was looking for new music I received some amazing suggestions and fell in love with most of what I heard. This time I need really pumped up music. I’ve started running (again) in the past few weeks and I love having really up-tempo music to run to. Dance, techno, club, hip hop, etc–you name it, I want it. I don’t have much as I’m not terribly exposed to the genre, so I need your help! If you know any good artists (and specifically song titles) of good, fast music I would really appreciate it if you’d…