Random Junk*

  • Random

    Sushi Sickness*

    (this isn’t actually me… but it bears a striking resemblance to last night) I hate being sick. I actually started writing about my abhorrence for illness as I writhed in agony last night, but I was interrupted by another wave of sickness and abandoned the post. But let me back up a bit… Yesterday the Hubs went to the City to see a guy about a job and to check out a job fair that was going on… so that left me with a big empty day by myself that I decided to fill. You would have been so proud of me yesterday… I got up early, spent only an…

  • Random Junk*

    The Mayonnaise Jar and Two Cups of Coffee

    I am utterly exhausted but I had the best day… which I shall tell you all about tomorrow. (When my brain is functioning somewhat) However, I couldn’t let today go by without sharing a story I was reminded of in a meeting I had after school. My dad told me this story years ago, but I completely forgot it until today. I hope you love it like I do. :) The Mayonnaise Jar and Two Cups of Coffee A Professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded…

  • Random Junk*

    The Return of the Numa Numa Guy*

    I have good news, friends. The Numa, Numa man has returned with a NEW video!! The song is fabulous, and the dancing is… inspired. He moves with such expression… beautiful. Just beautiful. I’ve included both videos for your viewing pleasure… who doesn’t love this kid? He stole my heart the minute he started air pumping. *swoon* Original Numa Numa Magic* New Magic* Shop Girl*

  • My thoughts*,  Random Junk*


    I am home. I’m sorry for the delay in posting–I had hoped to post on Sunday night, but we didn’t get back to Senior’s City until after 9:30pm. You might be thinking, “Why, that’s lots of time to write an inspired and wonderful blog post!” and if I was an organized and a non-procrastinator you would be right. However, on my vacation, I thought it would be a good idea to leave all my planning and marking until Sunday. Ha. Needless to say, there was a frenzy of organizing and planning when I finally dug out my desk. I just thought, “I’ll get around to it on Monday. That’s when…

  • Random Junk*

    Burnt Buns*

    Today I am a real winner. This week I decided I would like to be less of a brilliant white skin tone and started tanning again. It’s been about 8 months since I last went, but that doesn’t matter at all, right? Riiight. I played it safe on Tuesday and only went for 6 minutes. It felt sooo nice to be back in that warm, happy place. I was disappointed to see absolutely nothing change though, so I assumed I had not gone long enough. After school today I went back. I decided to be really brave and really up my time… by a minute. I mean, seriously–how much difference…