Random Junk*
Mish Mash*
Well, I didn’t post yesterday. I wanted to, but this weekend was just so full of so much goodness that by the end of it I was just too tired to think. When we finally got the kids into bed last night we were both exhausted and ended up on the couch watching Jumangi. It wasn’t nearly as good as the original, but it was still kind of fun. This weekend was so lovely. M took me downtown to see Phantom of the Opera, and this was BY FAR the best production I’ve seen. I am such a theatre junkie… musicals are my drug. I’m obsessed. My lovely lovely lovely…
It’s Been an “All the Laundry” Day*
Just a quick one today as somehow my lazy home day has turned out to be a busy “get all the things done NOW” day and my list is not yet complete. (Is that a thing? Does the to-do list actually ever end? I’m thinking… NOPE.) I’m on load #6 of laundry for the day and the washing is still not finished, but everyone has a clean bed and clean sheet day is my FAVOURITE. I thought that perhaps it might get old, but I still purr “I love clean sheet day” to M every. single. time I get into bed after they have been washed. It’s my favourite part…
Learning to Love Myself Again*
I’m turning 35 at the end of June. I don’t feel old, and I’m actually really excited about what the next phase of life holds for me, but 35 feels like a bit of a milestone. It feels like it is a good point to take stock and reflect on the road I’ve taken to get where I am. I’ve been doing lots of big thinking lately. I always do in January. There’s something about the birth of a new year that inspires reflection and an honest look at myself. Not in a negative way, but in an “eyes really open and really seeing” kind of way. A few weeks…
Day Two.
I’m here. Two days in a row. It’s a Christmas miracle! I would very much like to be hibernating underneath a mountain of blankets because it feels like it’s -100 outside, but you know. My big sweatshirt and cup of hot chocolate can tide me over for a few minutes. Today I feel like I woke up for the first time in a long time. Not literally–I actually went to bed WAY too late and was a total “mombie” all day long–but metaphorically. Finally figuring out what I need to write about is kind of electrifying. My brain has been absolutely buzzing with ideas all day long. I have more…
Finding My Path*
I was thinking about Julie and Julia again today. More specifically, I was thinking about how it motivated me to really started writing again last fall… and how I’d like to do that again. I know I can’t always write often when life and work gets in the way, but I have intentionally slowed things down of late and I’m feeling that pull again. Maybe it’s time to commit to writing every day for a month again… I committed to my curly hair for a month, and if I can do THAT, then I’m basically a superhero and should be able to do anything, right? Today I took the plunge…