My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*,  Exciting News*

    The Tale of the Missing Kobo*

    We are 99% moved back into our bedroom. If you feel like I’ve been talking about / doing this forever, it’s because I have. It has inadvertently facilitated a reorganization of the storage spaces in all three upstairs bedrooms, so it’s been a bit of a process. When we cleared the room we had stuff everywhere as it wouldn’t all fit in one space, and as we completely redid the closet it’s not been as simple as putting it all back where it was before. The majority of our bedroom was stuffed into the upstairs play room, but we also had piles in the basement and in the kids’ room.…

  • My thoughts*

    The thing I heard that I wish I didn’t*

    Today I got to teach a lesson about language and culture in an anthropology class I was covering. It was so interesting, and I got into a good discussion about slang words and phrases with the class. We talked about “slang” that was popular when I was their age (well, I talked and they laughed at how “old” I am) and then they came up with lists of current slang in use with their generation. As they read through their lists, the generational gap became much wider. I know they were reading words, but they made no sense to me. It seems like the language has changed, even just in…

  • My thoughts*

    I Miss Choir*

    My word for 2017 was Brave. All year long I tried to step out of my comfort zone a little bit, and do the things I might otherwise shy away from because I’m nervous, self-conscious or afraid. One of the things that has always been on my bucket list was to join a choir, so last year, I decided to be brave and just did it. I looked up a few local choirs online, made a choice and jumped in. I started off with another interested friend, but it didn’t work out for her and I ended up on my own. I didn’t know anyone, but I stuck with it…

  • My thoughts*,  Kids

    I Had a Nap Today*

    After a string of super busy weekends, we finally had a glorious home day. M took the kids to ringette this morning, but I didn’t even leave the house and it was so lovely. I can’t seem to kick this cold, so P and I enjoyed a quiet morning, then this afternoon I shoved all the laundry waiting to be folded onto M’s side, then crawled into bed and had a nap. I was so cozy underneath my duvet and all our clean laundry. I could have happily stayed buried there all day, but there is a gaggle of small people who live here who like to be fed and…

  • My thoughts*,  Kids

    Not on the bathroom floor*

    I’m happy to report that tonight’s post is coming to you from my regular perch on my loveseat, and not the bathroom floor. I finally got H settled and back into bed a little after 1am. As we were creeping back into his room, I heard S crying softly in her bed. I got H tucked in with his bucket, then crawled into her top bunk with her to see what was the matter. She’d had some kind of a bad dream about bugs stinging her and was quite upset, so I laid in bed with her until she was calm and fell back asleep. As I was laying there…