My thoughts*
I Hate Hate*
I am so unbelievably disappointed right now. For the past several weeks I’ve been following the news about Proposition 8 (Proposition 8 is a California State ballot proposition that amended the state Constitution to restrict the definition of marriage to a union between a man and a woman.). It has been an extremely controversial topic and with the election this week those in favor of Proposition 8 narrowly won. Okay. I’ll be honest here—I was shocked. I honestly didn’t think that this amendment had a shot in heck at winning. I’m all for equality, but I definitely see the arguments for both sides of this thing. The main premise behind…
I broke my promise. I told you I’d update another chapter of Our Story* on Sunday, and here it is, Thursday afternoon, and I’m just finding the time to post now… and sadly, I’m not writing another chapter just yet. I’ve really been wrestling with “security issues” surrounding my little blog since I started school this year. As I’m entering the field of teaching I need to be very, very careful about what information about me is available on the internet. And while I know this is “anonymous”, I do like to post photos from time to time and anyone that knows me could probably see through my little cover.…
Celebrating Our Differences*
I’m absolutely exhausted, but I just realized that it’s the last day off August, and how could I not write something to end the month? I have had a busy, but fabulous weekend thus far. I was up early on Saturday for work and I could not believe how busy it was. There were four of us working (1 more than usual) and we didn’t stop moving. It was CRAZY, but it made the time go by really fast, which was nice. I usually come home and collapse on my bed after work (getting up before it’s even light out will do that to you…) but not yesterday! I had…
School Stress*
I haven’t just written about what’s going on with me lately, so I thought I’d take a minute and jot a few things down. I start school in a week. How gross is that? haha! I’m excited to get into teacher’s college (and get it finished) but I think it’s vomitous that it starts in August. Boooo! I’m having a bit of a hard time getting myself excited to start. I think that’s largely due to the fact that everything is still so.. up in the air. At my teacher’s college we have absolutely no choice in our classes. So, I was originally supposed to get my class schedule on…
Seven Steps to Healthier Living and Getting in Shape*
Laps Run: 3.5Laps Oprah Walked: 2.5 I know I’ve been talking about this a lot lately, but I’ve actually had a number of people talk to me about my new attempt at exercise and healthy eating. So I thought I’d post a few tips / tricks / ideas that helped me get started. 1. Inspiration.Before I could really make a commitment to exercise I needed a good kick in the pants. When I went home in the spring I realized that I was the only member of my family that didn’t exercise on a regular basis. Big Dad is an avid tennis player and hits the gym almost even morning.…