My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*

    I’m Not Picky, I’m Particular*

    I had originally planned to write out the last chapter of Our Story* tonight and tell you all about the day I married the Hubster. However I have spent the entire afternoon reading and preparing an IEP for an assignment amidst other assignments and things I have due and I didn’t have the time I wanted to devote to this entry. So, I’m sorry, but I am going to have to postpone Chapter 13 until Tuesday. So–look for it then!! Whenever I have piles of homework to do I alllllllways get really hungry. I know it’s just a procrastination technique, but homework = starving Shop Girl*. So, as I stared…

  • My thoughts*,  Daily Junk*

    Résumé Ridiculousness*

    Sweet mother of pearl, today was so long. I left for school at 9am, and didn’t get home until nearly 8pm. I am tiiiiired. I don’t start class until 1pm on Thursdays, but one of the heads of the program was offering a résumé writing workshop this morning. I had absolutely no intention of going until late last night when the Hubster suggested it might be useful, so I stayed up until 1am making a draft of an education résumé, then woke up at 7am to get ready to go. Surprisingly the workshop wasn’t a total waste this time–they offered a similar one in October where they told us nothing–I…

  • My thoughts*

    How Facebook Opened my Eyes to the Reality of Parenting*

    I’ve reached a point in my life when people I know are having children. Actually, scratch that. Not just “people I know”, lots of people I know are having children and I see it every day on Facebook. Just yesterday another girl I knew in high school announced over Facebook that she was pregnant with her first child–and that makes it somewhere between the 15th – 20th pregnancy announcement I’ve seen over Facebook over the past 6 months. I’m positive that if I opened my Facebook “home page” right now I would see either a status update regarding a pregnancy, a congratulations on a pregnancy, or the ever-classic month by…

  • My thoughts*

    My Hair*

    Peeah’s wedding is in less than 2 weeks… and this is how I’m thinking of having my hair done. Thoughts? Shop Girl*

  • My thoughts*

    Dr. Eva Olsson*

    …surprise! I know, I know… after all that hassle I ended up back where I started, but I figure until I absolutely HAVE to start using the private blog I’m going to just continue to use this one. It’s much easy for me to use, and much easier for you to access! So, until further notice.. I’ll be here. :) AND, I’ll be writing more often! I’ve actually had a burning desire to write since Friday night, but I really needed to process the lecture I listened to before I could write about it as it really affected me. This past Friday evening the Hubster and I had the opportunity…