My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*,  Tookie Tribe*

    Family Reunion*

    Right now I’m sitting in my parent’s living room, curled up in their big arm chair after a very busy day. The Hubster and Teep are across the room watching an old Clint Eastwood film (not my cup of tea), so I thought I would steal a minute here while the wee-bean sleeps peacefully upstairs. Every year since before I can remember, my dad’s family has hosted a huge family reunion in Muskoka. I love Muskoka. It is seriously one of the most beautiful places in Ontario, and I love coming here to visit with my family. It’s a weekend of laughter, catching up with my aunts, uncles and cousins,…

  • My thoughts*,  Teaching*

    Hi, February*

    So, it’s a new month. I’m quite happy to have January behind me, and I already feel like things are looking up a little. Simply put: I had a really great day. For starters, it was very chilly today… but the sun came out and it ended up being a beautiful, frosty day. I’ll take that as a win. I also was able to go back into a school I used to spend quite a bit of time at–the school I originally started volunteering in before I got on the supply list. It was my first time back in over a year, and it was so nice to see some…

  • My thoughts*

    Feeling Quiet*

    So, I’ve been a little quiet. It’s been a trying few weeks, and I just knew that the spark wouldn’t be in my writing, so I decide to take a time-0ut. Honestly, so far 2013 hasn’t been shaping up to be a banner year. I know it’s only January, but among other things, Ruby has already been sick twice, I was in a car accident and wrote off our family vehicle (no injuries), and today I just received news that I didn’t get the job I interviewed for last week. I try hard to be a positive person, and really–there has been a bright side to each of the things…

  • Goals*,  My thoughts*

    Looking Forward: 2013*

    Is it really 2013 already? It sounds a bit like some futuristic date that belongs in a sci-fi movie. Like it can’t possibly be real… even though my calendar tells me otherwise. I’m not sure I have the right words to describe this past year. It has been the most amazing and rewarding yet also the most challenging and difficult year I’ve ever had. There has been so much joy that I thought my heart would burst, but also some challenges that have tested us and pushed us to new limits. Ah, 2012. It began with an extremely pregnant me racing to finish work in my dream job before the…

  • My thoughts*

    Sunday Funday*

    I love Sundays. For me, it’s a day unlike any other in the week. Let me explain: To most of the people I know, Sundays are just an extension of the weekend. A “Second Saturday”, if you will. Saturdays are typically for unwinding after a long week, and Sundays are great to run errands and prep for the week ahead. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I’ve just always seen things a little differently. My faith isn’t something I typically openly talk about here. It is something deeply important and personal to me, and if you ask me about it–I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. But I…