My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*


    A friend of mine texted me yesterday morning to tell me that he’d gotten a bizarre friend request on Facebook. Someone with an Eastern European name (complete with different characters) had requested to add him as a friend, but it was MY face he saw attached to the name. I asked him to grab a screen shot and send it to me, and sure enough, there I was. As I racked my brain trying to figure out how this could have happened, I remembered my second Facebook account. A while ago I created a Facebook account for my I Heart My Shoes page, so that I could still access it…

  • My thoughts*


    I’ve had a number of people ask me what I’m doing today. You see, today was the first day back to school in my board. This is usually my crazy time for job and day care interviews. It’s a season of hustle and bustle that is usually pretty stressful… so this year I decided to take another route. I’ve been hemming and hawing over what to do for months. My maternity leave officially ended with the onset of summer, so that left us with two months to make some pretty big decisions. It’s no secret that the last year has been really hard for me. I struggled with some new…

  • My thoughts*

    Feeling The Sun Again* {My Journey Through Post Partum Anxiety}

    Oh, hi there. Remember me? I know it’s been a little while… the longest I’ve ever gone without writing, in fact. I keep thinking that I’ve outgrown this little blog, but as life pushes forward I always find myself back here. Writing is so much a part of who I am, and as much as I try to change it, this always feels like home. Truth be told, I’ve really missed this. I keep telling myself that I don’t have time for it anymore, but writing has always been so therapeutic for me… and I wish I had documented more of this past year. We are finally inching towards our…

  • My thoughts*

    Letting It Out*

    Well, it happened. I had my first major “This is so hard” moment on Saturday morning and I let it all out. Don’t get me wrong, there have been many, many hard moments since Prince Will’s birth, but I’ve been trying really hard to keep my focus on all the good things that have happened in our family since we grew from four to five. And really, there is so much good. He is the sweetest little boy and I love seeing Ruby and Hank love him as older siblings. Having three kids is definitely busy, but despite the busy-ness, I’ve been managing okay. I get overwhelmed sometimes, but most…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*,  Le Bebe*

    Velcro Babies and Sweet Dance Moves*

    Every time I think I’ve found my rhythm, life happens and it takes me a few days to readjust. My little prince has been refusing naps and is only calm and sleepy when I am walking / bouncing laps around my main floor. My shoulder hurts and my back is killing me, but between my walk this morning and all my pacing, I hit 16000 steps today! Win! I know it’s just another phase and it will pass–today was better than yesterday, and I’m hoping this has just been another growth spurt. At this point I’m fairly positive that I am raising a hulk child… he is easily as big…