
  • Goals*,  Cool Stuff*

    March Madness*

    Sweet mother of pearl, I’ve done it! Two months of posting every. single. day. (Sick of me yet? ha). It’s been a marvelous journey and little bit of a comeback for me. I made a goal to post every day for a year two years ago, but I had failed miserably by February and gave up. Somehow, this time feels different. Tackling each month as I go seems so much more manageable… and every day that I post my drive to keep writing only increases. So, in case you were wondering–I’ve decided to keep going and give March a go!  It’s only another 31 days, and that’s not so long.…

  • My thoughts*,  Goals*

    Following Through*

    Well, it’s almost here. On December 29th, I finally got my act together and wrote my first blog post in over a month. I made a goal to write every day from then on until the end of January… and I’m almost there. Tomorrow is January 31st, and barring the loss of my fingers in the next 24 hours, I will have written every single day since I set this goal for myself. I’ll be completely honest: I really didn’t think I could do it. My blogging record for 2010 was less than impressive, and while I’m wonderful at setting goals for myself… …I’m terrible at following through. (for reals.)…

  • My thoughts*,  Goals*

    Looking Back on 2009*

    (via: http://www.sxc.hu/pic/m/b/ba/ba1969/1195613_new_year_2010.jpg) I know I’m technically a few days late with this post, but I knew it would take me a while to get through and I didn’t want to write it in pieces, so, here I am… three days late. I figure that as long it’s still the first week of January it’s still fair game! haha Oh 2009… where to begin. In January I “finished” school. By the end of the month I had completed the in-class portion of teacher’s college and only three placements stood between me and graduation. Completing my last university exam was such a surreal feeling, but dang it felt good! February and March…

  • My thoughts*,  Goals*,  Weight Tracker*

    Shop Girl Gets in Shape [Take: Two]*

    Hi lovelies, Let me just begin by saying thank you for the absolute outpouring of love and support I’ve received over the past 24 hours (re: last post). I had no idea so many people felt the same way I do, and it’s kinda nice to know that. :) Anyway, enough of the sap. I Fail Blog’ed after writing that and life was good again. haha! Yesterday I started running again, but this time I ran with a plan. I don’t know about you, but I always find it easy to work out when I am working towards something. Last year I wanted to be a hot bridesmaid for Peeah’s…

  • Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*,  Goals*

    I Did It!!

    As I sit down at my desk with my laptop to write I can’t help but shift my eyes to the window every three seconds to watch the snow. For the first time in a long time, I actually think that the snow looks really really pretty. It’s not blowing sideways and it isn’t so thick that I can’t see the buildings across the street. There are just these enormous flakes falling, gently covering absolutely everything in an endless sea of white. It looks like Christmas snow. :) Well, it’s January 31st, and this is my 34th post for the month! This is the first time in my 3 years…