Six Months + Six Dresses*,  Thrifty Thursdays*

Six Months + Six Dresses (#1)

Hi lovelies!

I’ve been waiting allllll week to write today’s post!

(And then I went out with Dee tonight and left myself no time to write it. ha)

Confession: I don’t own very many dresses. If I had an occasion where I needed to dress up or look extra nice, I currently have about two dress options to choose from.


For some reason I’ve always been afraid to wear dresses. I think that part of it comes from the fact that there are certain things I avoid when wearing dresses… for example, I prefer dresses that have capped or long sleeves, and my ideal length reaches just above my knee. I’m also not into anything that’s really tight.

Finding dresses that meet all these requirements is often next to impossible.

However, I am determined.

And so, today I begin my journey to find six dresses in six months, and I have my first one to debut for you! When I first saw it in the store, it immediately caught my eye, but I was almost afraid to try it on. It’s very… different. The pattern is bold, and while most of the skirts and dresses I own are an a-line design, this one is straight and fitted all the way down. I get a bit of a 1960s vibe from it.

And so, without any further ado… I give you Dress #1 (March):

(You can click on photos to enlarge them.)

(Also, I took these last weekend. Please ignore my face and focus on the dress. haha)

H&M Dress – $10 @ Salvation Army
Cardigan – $16 @ Winners
Belt – $1 @ Salvation Army
Shoes – $20 @ Goodwill

…and without the sweater:

I like it better with the sweater, but I wanted to show you what the top looked like.

When I first tried it on, I felt like it needed something–like the pattern was too much on it’s own. I strolled over to the accessories department at Salvation Army and found a black skinny belt for $1 dollar. I knew I had a black three-quarter length cardigan at home, and all together I kinda like the outfit. It’s casual enough that I could wear it to work, but I think I could also dress it up a bit if I need to!

So, there you have it. One down, five to go! :)

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