It was a Git’er Done Day*
I was SO productive today.
I’ve been feeling so unmotivated lately, so it was nice to wake up feeling like I could conquer the world. M had to go in to work today, so I decided to make the best of our rainy Saturday and cram ALL THE THINGS in.
I got up early, did yoga then had a quick shower while S hosted her own yoga class for her brothers (and her stuffies) in her room. After that I pulled out our big Play-Doh bin and let the kids go to town while I worked in the kitchen. I’m sometimes reluctant to get everything out because I always find that Play-Doh makes SUCH a mess, but today we threw caution to the wind! (…and P threw Play-Doh all over the floor.)
I emptied and cleaned my kitchen shelves, then washed the walls and taped about the counter trim to get ready to paint. I stripped beds, did I don’t know how many loads of laundry AND FOLDED three baskets. (Who am I right now?!)
In our mucking out of the basement office / spare room last night we found a McDonalds gift certificate. Since M had to work today, the kids and I went on an adventure drive for Happy Meals–complete with mini stuffies.
(I got poutine. It was magical.)
After lunch it was back to work– more laundry, swept and washed the kitchen floor. I organized all the photos on my fridge and even UPDATED the kids’ Santa photo. It was only six months ago.
Don’t judge. ha.
I made a big pot of chili and let that simmer on the the stove while I made some cornbread muffins to go with it. I somehow already have the dishes done AND I’m blogging before 10pm.
I love today.
We’re off for a wee family walk, then it’s painting time! Time to paint the trim I primed last night, and get started in the kitchen. Honestly… do painting touchups ever end?
I thought so.