Exploring and Painting Things*
I’m late tonight… I wasn’t even sure if I was going to get on here, but I haven’t missed a day yet this month and I’m kind of excited to be back on track with my writing.
We just finished our exciting date night activity–painting trim and cleaning out the office / spare bedroom! We’ve rehung one of the doors I painted last weekend, but the trim around the basement doorway needed a loooot of work. It’s finally filled and sanded, so tonight I primed it all and got it ready to paint tomorrow. It already looks SO much better just with the primer on.
The office / spare bedroom is the basement, and just always seems to collect papers and things. It was in a bit of a state, so we spent some romantic quality time filing and putting crap away.
I jest, but at the same time, I really do love when M & I work together on projects. As silly as it sounds, working together towards a common goal just makes my heart flutter. We’ve been married almost 15 years, but I still like him a little bit.
Today was so flipping hot. Again. I feel like I say this every day, but there has just been no break from his heat wave. When I stepped out my front door for my run at 7:45am, it was like walking into a wall of humidity.
(Not a fan.)
This morning we met up with some friends down the street for a “socially distant” nature walk. It was SO nice to walk and talk with my friend, and the kids were so happy to see other small humans that don’t live in our house. We went back to our favourite bridge, and the kids had a blast clamoring over the rocks, picking wildflowers and looking for bugs. Miss S came prepared with her safari hat, binoculars and notebook because really–does it even count as a walk without them?!

We explored for an hour, then we were all ready to melt so it was back into the A/C. I was SO tired after my run and then the walk, so we declared it a movie day and the kids curled up with a movie for a picnic lunch.
This afternoon Miss S and I snuck back upstairs and we were able to finish watching Anne of Green Gables. She was SO excited to see Anne and Gilbert finally kiss at the end, and immediately wanted to start the whole thing all over again.
I think it might be time to introduce her to my musicals next. I’M SO EXCITED.
I definitely bailed on cooking dinner and threw together a hodge podge meal of things I could find in the fridge… which may or may not have included ramen noodles. M wanted to go for a walk after dinner, but I could barely keep my eyes open. I curled up on the loveseat for “five minutes” and woke up 45 minutes later.
It was glorious.
Time to dive back into the Thorn Birds for a few minutes before bed. (Such a good book!)