• My thoughts*

    My Rainbow Season*

    I’ve been sitting here staring at my screen for the last 10 minutes wondering what to write about tonight. Well, that’s not entirely true. I may or may not have had a Facebook scrolling session somewhere in the middle of that. But mostly staring, wondering and not knowing. I feel almost blank tonight. Not in a bad way, just in that it was a bit of a lovely, unremarkable day. I took the kids to school, wandered around the grocery store, cleaned a bathroom and made sloppy joes for dinner. Tonight I blitzed my house so we can pretend that it’s sort of clean all the time when my friend…

  • Kids

    Those Mittens Aren’t Supposed to be Brown*

    Why are kids so gross? They are super cute which sort of offsets it, but I mean… really. Why are they so gross? My dad was watching the kids downstairs at my parents house this morning while I was upstairs making beds and packing up. When I went up he was washing dishes and the kids were all playing separately. Quietly. Nicely. I had only been upstairs for a few minutes when I heard him call up: Dad: “Uhhh, H? You might want to come downstairs…” Me, not hearing any bedlam or crying: “Why? What’s up?” Dad: “P is, uh… his mittens are brown. He’s reaching behind and his mittens…

  • Kids

    Bad Choices*

    We’ve always tried to teach the kids that every action has a consequence, whether it’s good or bad. We have the freedom to make a choice, but we have to accept the consequences that follow that choice. This usually leads into a discussion about “good” choices and “bad” choices. For example: hitting your brother to get the toy you wanted might not be the best choice and will probably result in no toy and a time out. However, asking him nicely if you could have a turn, or offering him a different toy to play with instead might be a better choice with more favorable results. My kids had a…

  • Random

    Buttertart Battles & Snow Forts*

    Quick post tonight. It has been a very full, very fabulous 24 hours and I am desperate to crawl into bed. I went out with some friends to see a community production of Oklahoma last night and it was really fun! The production was pretty well done, and I was completely blown away by a sixteen year old superstar who dominated the role of Ado Annie. I sang along to almost every song and thoroughly enjoyed the company. ..but it ran so late. I didn’t get in until after midnight, which feels so strange to the new mom-me. I used to stay out that late regularly when I was younger…

  • Kids

    The Turn Tooth Picture Day Photo Results*

    Do you remember our prize-winning parenting moment a few weeks back where we bribed our daughter not to wiggle her wiggly “turn tooth” until after her school picture day? Maybe bribe isn’t the right word. We “incentivized”. (That makes me feel better. ha) S really did /  does have the most beautiful baby teeth. Not that her smile is any less beautiful with her two bottom teeth missing, but now she looks like she’s aged 5 years and is officially a “big kid”. M wanted one more school photo of her with her teeth before beginning the years of missing teeth school photos which document that our kid is growing…