• My thoughts*

    Birthday Party Ponderings*

    Today is the halfway point in my September writing challenge! I’ve written every day for two weeks, something I haven’t been able to manage for years. I was worried that after a few days it would start feeling like a chore, or just something else on my never-ending “to-do” list, but I’m enjoying it even more than I thought I would. Are you sick of me yet? Can you handle another two weeks? (haaaaaa) S & I went to a birthday party today. It was for the daughter of a friend of mine, who happens to be married to one of my oldest friends in the world. I’ve known his…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*

    Secret Post*

    (I actually wrote this yesterday and meant to post it when I got home after work, but we had friends over for dinner and my day was non-stop until bedtime. At which point I lay down on the bed “for a minute” and woke up at 2 am, took off my make up, put on my jammies and went back to bed. I was a wee bit tired.) This post is secretly coming to you from work. I likely won’t be able to actually post it until later tonight when I get home, but for today I am the Special Education department head and my work schedule is simply to…

  • My thoughts*

    The First Day Back*

    Well, it’s finally over: my first day back to work is under my belt. I’m not going to lie, I was a giant ball of stress nerves all of last night and this morning. I can’t even really place my finger on why–part of me wondered if I still have “it”, another part worried that I wouldn’t be able to juggle the kids’ morning routine with leaving for work, another part wondered if it would still feel the same going back to my old school, if I’d be able to recall basic skills like MLA formatting or grammar. I was up late getting everything ready for today, and when I…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*

    Allergy Alert*

    Well, I didn’t go to work today. Last night I had every intention to. We had a friend come over for dinner, and after my crazy children went to bed I went into an intense work-prep mode. We are lucky to have someone come into our home to watch P while I’m at work, so I wanted to make sure things were sort of tidy for her. I did a quick blitz, then realized it was 9pm and I still needed to make lunches, prep backpacks, clean the kitchen and shower. I went upstairs to power through my list, but M took one look at my already stressed out face…

  • Complaining about something*,  My thoughts*

    Last Day of Mat Leave*

    Well, we’ve finally arrived: today is my last official day of mat leave. I’m not booked yet for tomorrow, but I’m back on call which means I have to keep my phone nearby all the time. Calls go out until 10pm, and start at 5:30am… which I feel is possibly insanely early, but it is what it is. I somewhat reluctantly packed my teacher bag last night, and I think I’m sort of ready to go. Except that I feel incredibly nervous. I know it’s totally irrational–I love my job and I know I’ll love it again the minute I step into a classroom. It just feels a bit daunting…