• My thoughts*

    Nashville & Forgotten Dreams*

    I’m trying to make myself rest while the kids nap each day. I find that my legs are swelling to the point that my skin hurts if I don’t put my feet up for a while each day, so even though there are often a billion things I could be doing around the house, I rest. Napping is pretty much out of the question as these days as if I sleep during the day, it makes it even harder to fall asleep at night. So, I’ve been spending my time reading or catching up on all the shows I’ve missed over the last several months. The other day nothing I…

  • My thoughts*,  Le Bebe*

    Pregnancy Weirdness and A Little Stress*

    Being pregnant is such a weird experience. On one hand, it’s this absolutely miraculous thing–I mean, I am growing a new human you guys. A human! It’s this rare gift that only women have, and even then it’s not something to be taken for granted, as so many women struggle with infertility. Then, on the other hand, pregnancy can be so… bizarre.  You basically lose control of your body for almost a year and some straaange things start happening. It’s almost like you have this little (sometimes evil) mastermind inside your body, pushing buttons and controlling levers to make your body do things that are completely beyond your control. Your…

  • My thoughts*

    Finding Happiness Where You Are*

    Week 39. If you had asked me a week ago if I thought I would make it this far in this pregnancy, I would not have thought it possible. There are definitely things happening in my body, but thankfully this little Prince hasn’t tried to claw his way out just yet. (Although there has been more than one moment where I thought he was ready to arrive.) I’ve been feeling lots of pressure with some sporadic contractions that I find intensify when I walk anywhere. So, we’ve been staying preeettty local, let me tell you. I am doing all I can to keep this boy in my belly until it’s…

  • My thoughts*,  Baby Boy


    Oh, how I needed this week. I’m probably going to curse my luck by writing this, but this has been a perfectly uneventful week and it has been marvelous. We have gone seven days without sickness, mishap, bad news or bad luck and it has been such a refreshing change after the week we experienced prior to this. It was like the universe threw everything possible at me during my first week of maternity leave, but now it’s (hopefully) behind us and we are enjoying a little reprieve before the baby arrives. I sat on my deck, watched an obscene amount of TV, played with my kids, made it out…

  • Weebean*,  My thoughts*,  Baby Boy

    Moving Forward*

    Thank you so much for all the messages and love that you sent after I posted about Ruby’s febrile seizure last week. A number of people have asked me how she is now, and I can honestly say that you would never know how unresponsive she was a week ago to see her today… right now we are in the backyard and she is using our little “fishing pool” to wet her feet so she can make foot paintings on our deck. She’s perfect. She has one more day of antibiotics from her ear infection, but she has been fever-free since last Friday. I, on the other hand, am still…