Sick Bean*
Oh my lovelies… it’s been a long week.
I mentioned in my last post that Ruby was a little under the weather. She first started with a fever on Monday afternoon, and it has persisted all week long. Most of the time it hovered around 100.0°F, but it would also spike up to 101 or 102°F and every time I thought we had it beat, it would rear it’s ugly head one more time.
Ruby is generally a pretty independent kid. She is usually happy to spend the day playing with her toys, coloring, playing with play dough and watching a couple of her favourite shows. It has made the transition from one kid to two so much easier than I anticipated–she’s been so good to entertain herself while I tend to Hank.
I knew that something was off on Monday when she wanted to snuggle all day long. Don’t get me wrong–I love snuggles–but when you also have a baby vying for your attention it makes things a little difficult. I was hoping it was just because we had had such a busy weekend, but I could tell that something was a little off.
And then the never-ending fever began.
It would come and go, but her temperature rarely dropped below 99°F, and I could always tell when it was spiking. She would go from playing happily to crying and wanting to curl up as small as possible in my lap in a matter of minutes.
It’s been a weird kind of illness–she has had very few other symptoms aside from the fever. Other than having absolutely no appetite, there has been no nausea, diarrhea, cough, etc. She just seemed achy whenever her fever came back, and wanted to be held constantly.
After three days of almost non-stop fever, we took her in to see our doctor yesterday. We did a test for strep throat which was negative (thank goodness), but her tonsils were a little inflamed and we suspect that has been causing her fevers. She finally perked up a little in the afternoon / evening, but her fever came back one more time just before bed. It was almost 10 before we finally settled her and got her to sleep.
This morning was the first day she has woken up without her fever and actually seems to have a bit of an appetite. I am so grateful. Her fever never spiked high for very long, but I’ve been having “white nights” worrying about her, waking to check her every few hours to make sure she was okay. Between that and trying to keep her and Hank separate to try and avoid two sick kiddos, I’m completely exhausted.
I’m really hoping that we can have a quiet, fever-free day and that the worst of this illness is behind her! Keep your fingers crossed for us. :)