Crafty Christmas*
My lovelies, I finally caved.
I started listening to Christmas music.
I woke up on Saturday to see snowflakes swirling through the air and a light dusting covering my deck. It was nothing compared to the white-out conditions on the other side of the city, but I took it as a sign that it was time to introduce Miss Ruby to my favourite music in the world. Once I opened the door, I haven’t been able to shut it off and I’ve had carols playing at every possible minute.
For a while now I’ve tried to get all my Christmas projects done–photos, letters, gifts and the like–but I just couldn’t seem to motivate myself. I had everything planned out in my mind, but I hadn’t really done much to make anything a reality.
…and then I started listening to my music. My inner elf woke up and I’ve been busy as a Christmas bee these past few days!
As you know, I have a large family. Buying gifts for all of them is not only challenging, it can be expensive. With me only working part-time so I can stay home with Ruby, my Christmas budget is smaller than usual.
So, I decided to get crafty. It was time to jump on the Pinterest wagon.
I’ve been skeptical about Pinterest for a long time. I don’t know why really, but I just couldn’t get on the site. I saw everyone under the sun using it, and I dragged my feet.
(Silly, silly me.)
Within 5 minutes of logging on I had ideas for every single member of my family. And I’ve been working on Christmas projects every day since.
And you know what? It feels really good. Don’t get me wrong–I adore Christmas shopping. I love the busy malls, the decorations, and finding that item that just screams the name of the person you’re looking for.
…but there is something to be said for getting your hands dirty and creating something for someone you care about. I am more excited about my gifts this year than I ever have been, and I really hope the recipients will be too. My kitchen table is covered with hot glue guns and all things Christmas, and I find myself drawn back to my make-shift craft table at every free moment.
And of course I blare my Christmas music to keep me in my elfish mood.
What about you–are you a Christmas gift maker or buyer?