34 Weeks* (and a promise)
My, my, my. December 29th already? I’m not sure how the last 4 weeks got away from me, but somehow it’s almost January… the month before we meet the wee-bean. To those of you who are sick of just hearing about my pregnancy updates–I’m so sorry. I really didn’t mean to let my writing slip to just once a week, it’s just been so insane lately. I wish I could commit to daily writing like I was at the beginning of last year, but between the new job and wee-bean preparations I just can’t do it.
…but I can promise to write every day for the rest of my holidays! So. Today I need to get my weekly preggo post out of the way, then from tomorrow – January 8th I promise to tell you all the other glorious details of what’s been happening around here. Deal? Good.
How Far Along: 34 Weeks*
Size of Baby: A Cantaloupe
Weight Gain: 24 pounds
Movement: I have a little tiny dancer inside me. Every day I notice her movements become more pronounced and I can see my belly move as she does. Occasionally she’ll give me a good kick that makes me gasp out in surprise, but for the most part she just twirls and dances around.
She has the hiccups at least once every day. I woke up at 6:30 this morning and felt the tiny rhythm against my skin, though she usually gets the every day around 7pm. I was a bit worried by how often she gets them, but apparently it’s quite normal. I’m going to ask my midwife about it today.
Cravings: My mom’s baking. Oh Christmas–there were just so many good things to eat! Also, today I wanted ribs.
Food Aversions: Sadly, McDonalds. I had some on Tuesday and it grossed me out. I heart McDonalds, so this makes me sad.
Symptoms: As I get further along in my pregnancy, my little wee-bean is slowly becoming less little. Each week she grows and there is less and less space in my belly for her, so she wiggles into positions that are more comfortable for her. Sadly, this sometimes means it is less comfortable for me. The other night my family was all hanging out in my parent’s living room trying to encourage Pingo to use her new kareoke machine that Doodle bought her for Christmas. We were all taking turns singing into the mic, and I chose the “ABC” song when it came to me. I was more focused on watching her than what I was saying, so I didn’t even notice when I sang out “…LMNOG!”, instead of “P”. Everyone started laughing hysterically–myself included–until that changed into tears three seconds later. When I started laughing the wee-bean was up in my ribs and the force of such a hard laugh pushed her into my ribs and I felt like they were going to break open. It hurt SO much. So, I started bawling and ruined the moment. Apparently only sad things for me until she is born. haha
I still experience lots of heartburn, and I now sleep propped up on two pillows. I can still sleep well if I take two Tums right before I go to bed, but I occasionally wake up and feel like I’m going to be sick.
I also can’t make it through the night without using the bathroom anymore. I’m usually up once–sometimes twice–but I can almost always get back to sleep after.
On a happy note, still no stretch marks! (yet.)
Belly Button Watch: Still an inny, but it’s tiny!
Baby Prep: My family threw me a beautiful shower on Boxing day, and we were able to get a few more things that we needed for the wee-bean. If she poops we are now prepared with diapers, wipes and a change mat. haha!
As I type the Hubster is downstairs insulating and putting up the vapor-barrier in our basement. We are slowly inching towards moving his office down, we just aren’t quite ready to pick out baby paint yet!
We also went this morning to register at the hospital. I am now in the system and can just go in to have the baby at any time should she decide to make her grand appearance. We are going to take a tour of the labor and delivery wing in two weeks.
Contraction Watch: Nothing yet, at least that I can feel. My midwife tells me that I could start feeling Braxton Hicks contractions at any time as my body prepares for labor, but so far so good. :)
Things Iām Thinking About: I love holidays. I have been off work since Friday at 1pm and it has been glorious. I finally feel like I’ve caught up on sleep and I’m very excited to have some time to get the wee-bean’s things organized before the madness of January’s exam prep takes over my life.
I’d like to pack my hospital bag this week. I know I’m still 6 weeks away, but it’s just been on my mind and I’d like to have something ready and prepared in case we need it.
On that note, when did you put the car seat in your vehicle? I’ve had people tell me to do it a few weeks before the due date, and other say that they didn’t bother until labor started. Thoughts?
I need a diaper bag. I think I’d prefer a stylish black tote bag that both the Hubster and I could use. Where does one shop for such an item?
It dawned on me over the weekend that there are just six tiny weeks left until she’s here. Actually, if you want to get technical, I’m down to five and a half if she’s on time. After my appointment today, I only have one more biweekly appointment with my midwife before it switches to the weekly schedule. Holy crap.
It’s officially winter in Pretty City. It’s a good thing we have some pretty cute snow suits for the wee-bean when she arrives. :)

Leah got hiccups ALL. THE. TIME. in utero. And oddly enough, it continued after she was born! At least once a day for a month or so she would get them. Easiest (ha!) way to get rid of them was to put her to sleep.
i have a black skip hop duo bag that i really like