• Le Bebe*

    28 Weeks*

    How Far Along: 28 Weeks* Size of Baby: Chinese Cabbage Weight Gain: 16 pounds (Still no movement here…) Movement: She has been dancing like crazy this week! After my big scare last weekend, I’ve been very conscious of her movements and when she is most active. I typically feel her all day long, especially when I shift positions from sitting to standing or laying down. I can feel her most when I lay on my side–it usually feels like she’s river dancing on my belly and it always makes me laugh. The Hubster is starting to be able to feel her on a more regular basis, and this morning she…

  • Random,  Le Bebe*

    27 Weeks* (And a dash of horomones)

    How Far Along: 27 Weeks* Size of Baby: Cauliflower Weight Gain: 16 pounds Movement: Annnnd cue pregnancy hormones! My little wee-bean usually moves all the time–she is constantly turning and stretching and I’ve become quite used to feeling her poke around in my belly. I went to have a massage on Friday, and after I left I noticed that I couldn’t feel her moving around as often. She continued staying quiet on Saturday, and by Sunday morning I was feeling a lot of anxiety about it. Everything I’ve read has told me that a change or decrease in your baby’s movements can mean that she is in distress, so of…

  • Teaching*,  Le Bebe*,  Complaining about something*

    A Hard Day*

    I cried today. Actually, I cried twice today. And if you want to get really technical, I cried twice at work today. Before the first bell even rang. *sigh* It was one of those days. I didn’t get a call for work last night, so I assumed that I’d be off today. I always get up and get ready for work anyway, but today my heart was only half in it. My back was still bothering me, and I really wanted a day to veg and go thrift shopping–basically just have a “me” day. As the Hubster and I were sitting eating breakfast at 7:20 this morning, my phone rang.…

  • Le Bebe*

    On Choosing a Midwife*

    A while ago I promised to write a post about my decision to see a midwife instead of an obstetrician. I’ve had it rattling around in my head for weeks, but I felt I couldn’t properly write about my decision and the experience thus far until I had actually met my midwife. But let’s back up a little, shall we? As soon as I announced my pregnancy to my family in early June, my sister immediately encouraged me to contact a midwife. I was still trying to wrap my head around the idea that there was a baby inside me, let alone the part where it would actually come out.…