An Update*
I’ve been away for a little while. I just… needed a break. So, I took a break. From everything. From the house, from the blog, from work. I just relaxed.
And it felt so good.
Well, mostly good. The flu sucked. I realize that most of the world now thinks / suspects that I’m pregnant because really–who gets the flu in the summer? Let me assure you, what I experienced last week–the chills, feverish, keep no food down flu–was actually just the flu. I know it’s going around, and if I gave it to you, I’m so sorry.
I can’t help it. I like to share. haha
I’m back to feeling like my regular self, and the Hubster and I have been rather busy. He is hard at work building us a fabulous new two-level deck in our backyard. He spent much of the weekend framing the structure of it, and despite a few setbacks, it looks fabulous. He’s working so hard, and soon we’ll have a deck to relax on! As soon as he’s finished I’ll post some before and after pictures.
As for me, I’ve been watching ridiculous amounts of old shows I missed, going for walks, cooking and spending time with friends. I ventured downtown on Thursday to spend the day with Bo Bandy–one of my best friends from Ghetto U. We wandered around downtown, saw a cute play at the Fringe festival and found a fabulous little Thai restaurant that I fully plan to take the Hubster back to.
Seriously. The food was life-changing.
This week I’m headed north to see my adorable 96 year old Grammy and spent some time in my hometown. Every so often I just need to be back there–I don’t know what it is, but the Great White North will always feel like home to me. I’m excited to see my friends, visit the places I loved as a kid, visit Poutineland and hang out with Grammy.
And… I’m ready to come back. For real this time.
So, I promise to write every single day I’m up north and tell you all about my adventures. I head out tomorrow and the trip will culminate at a family reunion in Muskoka on Saturday, so there should be lots of stories.
Of poutine. And camp. And Grammy.
Be excited. :)

Date Girl
Glad you’re feeling better! What is it about being married that means the second you have the sniffles or anything, people think you’re pregnant. If I even tell someone I’m nauseous or dizzy they flip out and start shopping for baby clothes. CALM DOWN people. Lol!
How cool that you have a hubby that’s handy. I’m pretty sure when we buy a house I’ll be studying up on how to do it myself!
Teacher Girl
Sometimes you just need a break! Totally get you. Oh and I have been majorly sick for like three weeks and so is everyone I know. I have never gotten sick in the summer before either, but apparently stuff is going AROUND! =( Glad you’re better. Have fun up North!
I totally believe you about the summer flu. My boyfriend has it now, and I’m pretty sure he’s not pregnant!
Karen Peterson
I’m always fine when I’m not thinking about it, but every time I hear or read the word “poutine” I instantly need it. And I have no way of satisfying that craving. Because we can’t come close to getting the proper ingredients here in California.
So, thanks. Thanks a lot. ;-)
But have a great time!
Oooooo Thai! What did you have?!