Adventures of the Hubster & Wifester (2010)
I know I’m a little late, but with the whirlwind that was December I barely got this printed and mailed out in time! So, without any further ado, here is our Christmas letter for 2010!
Adventures of the Hubster & Wifester
*2010 Edition*
Merry Christmas! Did you miss us? Again it’s time,
For me to sit down and write my favourite rhyme.
And so, dear family and friends,
Here are our adventures from 2010!
You’ll remember last year how my heart was so sad,
For there were no teaching jobs to be had.
I volunteered at a school right through to May,
A year from my graduation (minus one day).
But after applying so many times that I lost track,
Our local school board finally called back.
In a whirlwind I prepped for my interview,
And was offered a job at last—WOO WOO!
And so a supply teacher I became,
(I get paid to watch movies and not remember kids’ names!)
I love what I do, though it came a year late,
Being a teacher is amazing—so worth the wait!
This has been an exciting job year for more than just me,
As the Hubster’s job was made permanent (Yippee!)
Job security and benefits have been the best yet,
And we can finally attack our eternal school debt.
The Hubs has been busy with all kinds of stuff,
Being an “indoor guy” was no longer enough.
At hockey, hunting and archery he’s good,
I had no idea that I’d married Robin Hood!
He may not steal from the rich, and his name isn’t feared,
But he did go bow hunting and bring home a deer!
And so, venison I must learn how to cook,
(Can anyone loan me their recipe book?)
This year has been grand, but an absolute high
Was our week-long trip to P.E.I.
The Hubster’s parents and sister moved out there last fall,
And it was absolutely wonderful to spend time with them all.
In October I lost a beloved Gumpo,
And we’ll miss him more than he’ll ever know.
But we drew close as a family and we’ll be okay,
For we know we’ll see him again someday.
This year we learned that family is a treasure,
And that being together brings joy beyond measure.
Through good times, and sad times, in sickness, in health,
Having family you love is of infinite wealth.
After five years of marriage we’re really on our way,
We still love life together and enjoy every day.
We’re busy—but happy—and while The Hubs now cleans the tub,
I do the dishes and we’re still deep in love.
Another year over and a new one to begin,
Full of laughter, new nephews and hockey games to win.
We’re looking forward to the adventures it brings,
Perhaps a house, a trip East, and other fun things.
To 2010, a farewell we say—
Merry Christmas! We love you!
Happy Holidays!

One Comment
thumbs up. HUZZAH! I quite enjoyed your rhyme:)