• Random

    A Sugar-free, Yeast-free Me*

    Today I started day 1 of my new menu plan for the next 4 – 6 weeks: a sugar-free, yeast-free diet. I’m scared. haha Before I explain why I decided to do this, let me be clear: I am not doing this to lose weight. From what I understand, it will likely be a pleasant side effect, but that isn’t my goal here. I don’t really believe in fad diets, and aside from the 13 months I spent chocolate-free, I also generally don’t believe in restrictive diets. If they work for you, all the power to you!! They just don’t work for me. Also, I am by no means a…

  • Random

    Sandal Love*

    My dearest lovelies, do you know what’s happening outside right now? (well, not RIGHT now as right now it’s pouring rain whilst my bush-man of a Hubster is out hunting turkeys in the bush and I’m trying desperately not to worry needlessly about him but it’s RAINING and who wants to be caught in the bush in THAT?! End rant.) The grass is green. Leaves are slowly appearing on the trees. I’m seeing more t-shirts than I am parkas, and best of all–SANDALS. Sandal time is seriously my favourite season of all. I’ve given up calling April – June “spring”. In my house it’s Fall, Winter, Sandals and Summer. (I…