• My thoughts*

    Merry Christmas! …wait, too soon?

    (via: http://dvdmedia.ign.com/dvd/image/NATIONAL_LAMPOONS_CHRISTMAS_VA-7.jpg) Forty-three sleeps. In forty-three sleeps I’ll have eaten entirely too much, will be entirely too excited and will shuffle off to bed to anxiously await Santa’s arrival (I’m still five inside, so sue me. haha). I’ll be (almost) Christmas-caroled out, will already be missing Gingerbread and will have enjoyed Christmas lights for many, many sleeps. But how many is too many? I taught an early morning class for my church last week and as a result was out in my car before 7am. While I love mornings, being awake, showered and out before 7am isn’t typically how I like to enjoy them. However, I happened to catch an…