Girlfriends — Part II*
A few weeks ago I wrote a post about how I sometimes feel like I missed the boat with regards to being a part of a group of girlfriends. I was overwhelmed by the response I received from many, many women who felt the same way I did (if you read the post, you’ll understand). I kinda thought I was the only one who felt that way, but apparently I’m just one of many.
I once had a short email message forwarded to me that discussed the importance of having girlfriends, especially as you transition from each phase of life into the next and get older. For the life of me I can’t seem to find it–it’s a mother and daughter talking on a porch–but the message of it has stayed with me, and as I continue to settle into our new city I hope to find my group of girlfriends here.
Not long after I wrote that post my sister sent me a wonderful video that talks about girlfriends. The speaker, Kelly Corrigan, addresses a group of women and in a 5 minute blurb she’ll make you laugh, reflect, and maybe cry (I did) as you think about your life and the people in it. It’s really a great message, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. :)

Love it! Thanks for sharing. I do treasure my girlfriends.
Amber (Girl w/ the Red Hair)
I just read your FIRST post on it and wanted to say I totally agree with you. I'm kind of starting to have that “group” now with three girls that I go to school with. The only problem is those three girls LIVE TOGETHER, so I often feel like the odd man out.
I definitely feel that envy when I look at Facebook photos or watch Sex and the City and I always wonder if I will ever settle down in one town long enough to develop that kind of relationship with a group. I hope so!
Lil' Woman
What a wonderful video…I got a little misty eyed myself!
Shop Girl*
Isn't it a great little message? I loved it.
Shop Girl*
I hope so too – for both of us! I'm sure it'll happen… in the mean time I do have some fabulous blogger ladies… ;)
Shop Girl*
I'm so glad you liked it!! :)
I'm still wanting a group of girlfriends. Heck, I'd even take like 1 or two girlfriends. It would be nice to have someone to go out with, ya know?
Siiiiiigh. Move here!
Classroom Confessions
Great Video!
I wish so badly that my best friends lived in the same city (or even state) as me :(
Jill Pilgrim
Aww- that's awesome.
Date Girl
Yep, I cried. Great speech! I hope you find that group of girlfriends. I still don't have that group, but I am finding that I'm growing closer to individual girlfriends (just had lunch with one, and she invited me to join her girls night tonight!). Girlfriends are definitely a blessing. And it's nice to know that we have our fellow girlfriend bloggers out there. To make us weepy and laugh on a Saturday! :-)
Shop Girl*
Isn't it a wonderful speech? I hope that we both find a “group” we can be a part of… but that's wonderful that you're growing closer to some ladies near you!
Shop Girl*
I thought so too. :)
Shop Girl*
I know how you feel… all my girlfriends live between 2 – 7 hours away. It's awful.
Shop Girl*
I totally know what you mean… and if I hadn't vowed never, ever, ever to move again after our last move I'd be there in a heartbeat! haha