Random Tuesday Ramblings*
I tried so hard to make a vlog for you.
SO hard.
Alas, it was not to be. I have watched many, many of the vlogs you lovelies have posted though and I hearted them greatly. I WILL do the next one once I get my computer-savvy Hubster to teach me how. :)
(vlog = Video Blog for you “non-bloggers” out there)
I woke up this morning and realized that somehow it’s already halfway through August. I’m not entirely sure how this happened, but my calender assures me that it is indeed August 18th. Where on earth has this summer gone? Has it flown by for anyone else? I really can’t remember a summer that has passed this quickly.
In two days I will be celebrating my 4th wedding anniversary with the Hubster. I have absolutely no idea how on earth it’s already been 4 years… it goes by SO fast. It feels like yesterday that I chased him down and forced him to talk to me / fall in love with me. haha!
I have an interview tomorrow. It will be my 5th interview so far this summer… and I think I’m past getting my hopes up. It’s not a teaching position, but it does have to do with shoes, so technically it’s still in my field. haha! At this point I’ve realized that the likelihood of my securing a teaching position annnnnnytime soon is very unlikely, as sad as that makes me. I love teaching, and I wish I had my own classroom this coming September, but there are no jobs.
Well, that’s not entirely true. There are like… 5 jobs. And 200 people apply for each one. *sigh*
So please send some positive thoughts my way tomorrow–it would be fabulous to have any type of job at this point.
I’ve given up on weighing myself. I’m running 4 – 5 days a week, doing an ab workout every morning, and have been to the gym with the Hubs twice in the past week. I think I’m building muscle right now and not losing weight. I’m sure there are things I could do to alter my diet to make myself lose weight, but I’m not gaining any so I’m okay for now. :)
Peeah’s due date is DAYS away. Doesn’t she look amazing?
I’m going to be the best Auntie EVER. Now if her little one would just hurry up and get here already… haha
I now have an account on delicious! I’ll be posting a list of all my Shop Girl Shares* picks so you can see them all in one place!
Even though I’ve been unemployed all summer, I haven’t really been bored or listless… until now. I’ve tried to throw myself into the things I’ve been doing to stay busy, for example–I really feel like I’m committed to getting in shape this time. I run almost every morning. I WILL have a flat stomach by Christmas (if not Thanksgiving!!). I have been taking an online course to get my qualifications to teach Special Education and I’ve really tried to stay on top of it. And of course, my blog. This summer has been my summer of blogging and finding new wonderful blogs (and bloggers) and I’ve reeeeeally enjoyed it. I’m always looking for new blogs to read and new people to add to Twitter (add me!!! @iheartmyshoes) and this summer I have found some gems… I’d name names, but I know I’d leave people out and they all deserve to be listed. Just check out the ol’ blog roll up there (that is due to be updated again!).
Now I feel like I need a project. I need to DO something. The Hubs has been gently nudging me to write–to REALLY write–and start a book. I even have it mapped out, I just need to start it. Some days I think that I could really do this, I could be an author… and then others it just seems ridiculous and such a daunting task. What if I never finish it? What if no one likes it? Does that even matter?
And then there is this little feeling I have that’s pushing me to accept that maybe it is time that I start something a little bigger.
…but it’s a little scary.

The job market really sucks right now. Hopefully some good jobs open up for September (which is ridiculously close.) I think writing a book sounds like a fabulous idea (I've tried it myself but never make it past chapter two [and that one got lost when someone stole my suitcase].) Keep up the effort in making your life the best it can be (you seem to be doing a fantastic job at the moment.)I'm sure you'll spoil your new niece or nephew. Just don't give them anything that will drive your sister nuts because she can easily do the same to you if you have any children.Happy almost anniversary!
The job market really sucks right now. Hopefully some good jobs open up for September (which is ridiculously close.) I think writing a book sounds like a fabulous idea (I've tried it myself but never make it past chapter two [and that one got lost when someone stole my suitcase].) Keep up the effort in making your life the best it can be (you seem to be doing a fantastic job at the moment.)
I'm sure you'll spoil your new niece or nephew. Just don't give them anything that will drive your sister nuts because she can easily do the same to you if you have any children.
Happy almost anniversary!
Kristina P.
I hope that this interview works out! And a shoe job might even be better than teaching! :)
Kristina P.
I hope that this interview works out! And a shoe job might even be better than teaching! :)
Definitely sending positive thoughts your way and wish you luck for the interview.:) your hubby is right though, you'll be an excellent writer. I hope you let me take a peek lolExcited for you being an aunty soon, she looks so great!
Definitely sending positive thoughts your way and wish you luck for the interview.:) your hubby is right though, you'll be an excellent writer. I hope you let me take a peek lol
Excited for you being an aunty soon, she looks so great!
I want to look that good preggers!
I want to look that good preggers!
Kyla Roma
Your vlog will not do?? What will not do is you not vlogging, lady! I'm looking forward to seeing yours when you do post it.I'm so sorry about the teaching jobs, you should move to Manitoba and live here with me, from what I understand there are definitely jobs to go around. Think about it! =)
Lil' Woman
Good luck with the job interview, and oh my lord, Peeah looks gorgeous, I hope I look that good when I'm pregnant!: )
Kyla Roma
Your vlog will not do?? What will not do is you not vlogging, lady! I'm looking forward to seeing yours when you do post it.
I'm so sorry about the teaching jobs, you should move to Manitoba and live here with me, from what I understand there are definitely jobs to go around. Think about it! =)
Lil' Woman
Good luck with the job interview, and oh my lord, Peeah looks gorgeous, I hope I look that good when I'm pregnant!: )
Jill Pilgrim
Oh my God- she looks beyond amazing!
Jill Pilgrim
Oh my God- she looks beyond amazing!
I hope the interview went great today. Shoe job? I am ALL ears.
I hope the interview went great today. Shoe job? I am ALL ears.
Jill Pilgrim
I am obsessed with pearls. I love them. LOVE. My ideal piece of jewelry would be a big pearl and diamond cocktail ring. Gorgeous.
Jill Pilgrim
I am obsessed with pearls. I love them. LOVE. My ideal piece of jewelry would be a big pearl and diamond cocktail ring. Gorgeous.