The Tribe is Growing*
As you may (or may not) know, I very recently had a birthday and just turned 23 years young. With birthdays usually come presents and well wishes from family and friends. Well dear readers, I am about to tell you why I have the best mother-in-law ever.
In March I shared my secret with you. I was with the Hubster’s Mom when I first discovered this passion and began collecting. I don’t get out to antique barns very often (which is where they are often located) so I only get one or two a year. However, the Hubster’s Mom is amazing and collected not one, but FOUR new “Indian” dolls for me. And not only are they dolls, they are Indian BARBIES. Let me explain why this is so exciting.
As the youngest of 3 girls in my family most of my clothes and toys were hand-me-downs, including Barbies. I had a few that were mine, but most had belonged to my older sister at one point. This was fine, except for the fact that we also had a dog that loved to chew on everything. So, by the time many of these dolls came to me they either had hands and feet that were flattened (and chewed) to the size of quarters or no head. Luckily I was an imaginative child and could imagine heads without issue. haha!
Annnnnyway. So, I love Barbies. I always have. In fact, I have saved all of my Barbies that still have heads and normal hands and feet for our kids someday. I remember telling this to my mother-in-law a long time ago, and she tucked our conversation into the back of her mind for future use. Well, she decided to surprise me for my birthday by giving me FOUR collector’s edition Native American Barbie dolls that are still in their boxes! Needless to say, I was a little excited.
And here are my new dolls!!
So here comes the part where I need your help. As you know, I not only love these dolls because they are hilarious, but I also love to name them. For me, that’s almost the most fun. Hair Like Bowl was my most recent acquisition and my favourite name to date, and for these dolls the Hubster and I have come up with three possibilities so far:
Thunder Squirrel
Dirt Foot
Mother Moosehair
But we’re stuck for a fourth name. Any suggestions??
Shop Girl*