Daily Junk*,  Weight Tracker*

Family Day*

So today was our first Family Day, and I must say–I heart it greatly. The ONLY way it could have been better would be if it hadn’t fallen during Reading Week and would have equaled a day off school. But alas, it was not to be. *sigh*

Anyway, I started today off with a bang by sleeping in and then jumping on my little scale and learning that I’ve lost another 1.5 pounds! So I’m at a glorious 3.5 pounds lost. It doesn’t sound like much… but it’s nice to see the number getting smaller. haha! Really though, it’s amazing what you can do simply by changing your diet. I was inspired when I saw that my cousin was “jogging for Jesus” for Lent, and even though we’re not Catholic, I figured it was a decent reason to drastically cut back on my artificial sugars. So, I gave up bad food for “Lent” and it’s been working wonders! I’ll keep you posted. I’d like to lose another 8-10 to be at my ideal weight, so we’ll see what happens!

Other than that I had the laziest day I’ve had since September and DANG it felt good. I didn’t even shower until 1pm. How gross is that? haha! Since everything was closed, we stayed in, watched movies and cleaned up the apartment a bit. My house is clean and I am a happy lady.

Now then. I’m off to continue my lazy evening by falling asleep to a movie in bed. I have a meeting bright and early followed by a hair appointment in the afternoon…. oooooooh! (I’ll post pictures)

Shop Girl*

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