
  • Exciting News*,  Goals*,  Running*

    I Did It!!!!!!

    I DID IT. After I wrote my last blog post this afternoon, the kids woke up and proceeded to destroy my house. I went from calm, quiet, happy time to being surrounded by a tornado of toys, cashews and raisins. (Note: I did not eat the raisins. They are gross. But Ruby likes them and I am trying to be a good mom. Ugh.) The Hubster got home from work a little after four, and even though I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go out for a run, an escape from the chaos suddenly seemed appealing. I quickly changed, laced up my shoes and off I went. I’m on…

  • Running*,  Goals*

    Run for the Cure*

    I have been trying to write this post ALL week. I’ve barely left the house this week, but somehow it has felt like the busiest week I’ve had in ages… but if you were to ask me what I did that kept me so busy, I honestly wouldn’t even know what to tell you. After thinking quite hard, the only significant accomplishment I can come up with is that I washed my floors. (Hooray!) So. Last weekend I ran my second race. After we finished our first run three weeks ago, I made a goal to try and run one race every month to keep myself motivated. I found a…

  • Goals*,  Running*

    I Love October*

    I love October. There is something so magical about this month, and it’s full of so many things that I love–General Conference, Thanksgiving (Hooray Canada!), Hallowe’en, sweaters & scarves, changing colors, apple crisp and so much more. I’m still in a bit of denial that it’s already October, but I’m very glad it’s here. This year, October also has something else I’m very excited about: my second race! Tomorrow I am participating in CIBC’s Run for the Cure and I can’t wait. (Also, I accidentally write “run for the cute” every. single. time. Ugh.) The Hubster and the kiddos are coming with me again, and this time we’re also running…

  • Goals*,  Running*

    My First Race*

    I was really, really hoping to write this post on Saturday night, right after I finished the race…. but then, you know, life happened. And now it’s Thursday and here I am! YAY! I swear days are simply blending together and I’m not sure when one ends and when one begins. My dad popped in for a visit today and asked me what I’d been up to the last few days, and I honestly couldn’t even remember. It’s been busy but not really busy and I just don’t know where time disappears to. *sigh* Anyway. So, I started running again. It’s taken me some time to ease my old, post-partum…

  • Goals*,  Running*

    My Running Goals*

    I recently joined a weight loss challenge with some other moms, and today is “weigh-in” day. I’m not going to lie–I was  nervous to step on the scale. I was able to get out running four times last week, but I didn’t eat terribly well while I was up visiting my parents on the weekend. (My dad bought these incredible baguettes and this to-die-for cheese… I won’t disclose how much of it I ate. ha) Thankfully I didn’t gain any weight, but I didn’t lose any either. I’m a little disappointed, but I know that this is a slow process, and nothing is going to happen until I improve my…