Random Junk*
Exploring and Painting Things*
I’m late tonight… I wasn’t even sure if I was going to get on here, but I haven’t missed a day yet this month and I’m kind of excited to be back on track with my writing. We just finished our exciting date night activity–painting trim and cleaning out the office / spare bedroom! We’ve rehung one of the doors I painted last weekend, but the trim around the basement doorway needed a loooot of work. It’s finally filled and sanded, so tonight I primed it all and got it ready to paint tomorrow. It already looks SO much better just with the primer on. The office / spare bedroom…
Sometimes Jokes Aren’t Funny*
I had a conversation with a friend yesterday that has stayed with me. She’s pregnant and due soon, and posted a photo of her beautiful bump a few days ago. In between the messages of excitement and congratulations were a few comments about the size of her bump. Comments that I’m sure were said as a “joke”… but they weren’t very funny. So, she spoke out about it. I was SO proud of her. The whole thing took me right back to the end of each of my pregnancies, when mixed in with the excitement of meeting our new baby, I was feeling bloated, enormous and anxious about the impending…
Imagine This is a Funny Title*
Full confession: I just undid my pants before sitting down to write. It’s just been that kind of a day. It started with my fire alarm shower scare, then we rushed out the door to meet up with my lovely cousin and her three boys at a splash pad. I’ve been nervous to take them to one, but the splash pad near her home is quiet and for most of the morning we were basically the only ones there. It was a much needed slice of normalcy the kids needed… but they were so fried when we left. It’s a great little park, but there is zero shade. After two…
I’m Free*
I finished my Couch to 5K program today! I did noooot want to run this morning. I haven’t been sleeping well lately–I fall asleep quickly, but then I’m restless and in and out of sleep from about 2am on. I have these weird vivid, fragmented dreams and don’t feel like I’m getting in a deep sleep. I wore a watch that tracks sleep patterns last night, and it told me I got a whopping 52 minutes of deep sleep. I am a tired mama. So, I didn’t want to go, BUT, I also really wanted to finish this. I got off to a late start, but I made myself go…
The One With No Hot Water*
My husband is a wizard. He works from home 80% of the time now, but today he actually had to go in… so naturally the hot water tank died. I realized this as I was bathing the kids after my yoga workout, which left me with noooo hot water for my shower. It was… refreshing. And very fast. I was convinced we’d need to bring someone in after attempting to reset the hot water tank with no luck. Have you ever read the safety warnings on the side of one of those things? If you haven’t, it basically reads “IF YOU TAMPER WITH ME I WILL EXPLODE AND YOU WILL…