Random Junk*
Grocery Hacks and Food Things*
It feels like Friday today. I know it’s not but it just has that end of week feel… especially since M finished his training course today. He’s basically been locked in the basement office on his computer ALL DAY listening to some guy talk while he takes notes and does labs. He sort of stumbles up out of the basement at the end of the day like he’s coming out of a cave desperate for sunlight. Tomorrow he goes back to his regular job to catch up all the stuff he missed while he was in training. Work life is so, so fun. THEN it will be the weekend. Today…
I Got Too Excited About Perler Beads*
It’s Nintendo time. I like schedules. My kids like schedules. I used to think this was some kind of a problem… like it was a negative thing that I am not a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants person. But you know what? I’ve accepted that this is just who I am, and we like it. We are people who just like to know what’s coming next through the course of a day. That being said, I’m not rigid with it. There’s always room for flexibility, but generally we have our summer days divided into “blocks”. There’s a block in the morning where I exercise and the kids play freely / reign terror over the…
I Missed A Day*
I didn’t write yesterday. I meant to, but then the whole day got away from me and before I knew it it was after 10pm and I was just totally zonked. M is in this really intense week long training course for work and I felt like I’d barely seen him all day, so I curled up with him instead of writing. I like him. :) The weather has been so much better the past two days. I meant to run this morning, but I just wasn’t feeling it when I woke up. I hate missing out on non-humid weather, but I just felt like it needed to be a…
The One About Friendships*
I’ve been thinking a lot about friendships lately. If you’ve been around for a while, you know I’ve talked about my struggles in this arena. I spent years feeling like a “fringe friend”– you know, it feels a little like you’re always on the outside looking in… and I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. I wrote this post 11 years ago and it remains one of my most read / most visited posts of all time. I still feel that way sometimes… but not as often as I used to. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I have roots somewhere.…
It was a Git’er Done Day*
I was SO productive today. I’ve been feeling so unmotivated lately, so it was nice to wake up feeling like I could conquer the world. M had to go in to work today, so I decided to make the best of our rainy Saturday and cram ALL THE THINGS in. I got up early, did yoga then had a quick shower while S hosted her own yoga class for her brothers (and her stuffies) in her room. After that I pulled out our big Play-Doh bin and let the kids go to town while I worked in the kitchen. I’m sometimes reluctant to get everything out because I always find…