Random Junk*

  • Random


    It’s snowing outside… so I’m in hibernation mode. I have two essays due tomorrow so I’m hibernating in my apartment pretending I’m working. At some point today I actually will have to do some work though, which is not exciting at all. In one week exactly I will be writing my last exams then it’s home free until January!! I feel as though I’m just hanging on until then and then can breath again. Shop Girl*

  • Random


    I like Sundays. I never have to work, and once we’re home from church we basically just have the rest of the day to ourselves. Today we came home, and while The Hubster hung out with Too Cool I had a fantastic nap. I LOVE napping. I think I even prefer it to actual sleeping! haha… we also had the missionaries over for dinner tonight, and it was a dang good meal. Sometimes I surprise myself with my cooking!! We had slow cooked ham, mashed potatoes, green beens and rice, with fresh brownies for dessert. YUM. I’m a little sad that I couldn’t be home with my family for Teep’s…