Random Junk*

  • Random

    Now I Lay Me Down to Rest*

    The Hubs and I went to spend the weekend with his parents for Father’s Day, and while we were there we all went out on a trip to the GTA to see some of his extended family. Their family gatherings are considerably smaller and more low-key than mine are, and they also tend to cover a broader (and sometimes darker) range of topics. They each tend to have a pretty sarcastic sense of humour and whatnot. Anyway, while I was sitting on the couch listening to the various conversations going on around me, I began listening to my mother-in-law’s conversation with her father about arrangements he’s made for his funeral…

  • My thoughts*,  Random Junk*

    Spanish Spam?

    I just got spammed in Spanish. Spanish! I’ve been spammed before, but it least it was in English and I didn’t have to find a free online translator to get an idea of what I was being spammed about. I don’t mind the occasional spam, so long as they follow my spamming guidelines: 1. Spam must be in English. Spam in languages I cannot understand is not spam, it’s gibberish. As my blog is written in English, I expect it to be spammed in English. French is permissible every so often, but please don’t make it a habit. 2. Spam must be short and to the point. You’ll probably lose…

  • Random Junk*

    Pieces of me*

    I like surveys. And as I was roaming through random blogs, I came across one that didn’t ask any obviously personal questions! So, here you are! Explain what ended your last relationship?: Well, it wasn’t very serious (he wasn’t a member of my church) and I met the man who would become my husband only 7 and a half months later. :) When was the last time you shaved? Umm… well, I was SUPPOSED to yesterday, but we woke up to no hot water which made for very quick showers. I think Thursday maybe? What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.?: Sleeping. What were you doing 15 minutes…

  • Random

    About the Author*

    I am Shop Girl–a life (and shoe) loving 24 year old teacher fresh out of teacher’s college who has not eaten chocolate in nearly a year (CRAZY, right??). I am proudly Canadian and have lived in Ontario all my life. I grew up in a teeny tiny town in the Great White North until I moved south at 17, finally making my way to The City* at 19 where I began my first year of university. I had ambitious academic plans–studying English Literature and Political Science I planned to go to law school, and marriage was not even on my radar. I had a new boyfriend every week (I was…

  • Random

    Contact Me*

    Why, hello there! Because I love you all SO much, I decided to make it super easy for you to contact me! You can reach me day / night at iheartmyshoes{at}gmail{dot}com, or at any of the following websites which I use actively! * * *Visit 20 Something Bloggers