Random Junk*
Things I am thinking…
…I’m so behind on all my shows. Which show do I need to catch up on first? ….catching your finger between a piano and a door is not fun. …neither is typing with a swollen, bruised finger. …I know some pretty amazing people. …I’m kind of in love with my summer of dresses project. I’m SO excited to introduce to the upcoming features!! …it’s pouring rain outside. I love the way it sounds. …it’s only Wednesday. How is this possible? …I still have toys all over my living room. I wish my niece was still here to play with them. …I’m tired. …still need to start running. How do people…
High Five*
It has been a gloriously busy weekend. …and now, I’m exhausted. I’m very excited to tell you all about it, but my brain is broken tonight and it’s time for bed. So, in lieu of a written post by me, I give you Vic Cohen instead. (The Hubster and I just wanted some of his clips and I nearly peed my pants laughing. Vic Cohen = win!) Enjoy.
Woooo-weeeee. I knew that having our own home would keep us busy, but I really didn’t have a clue about how much work it would be! It’s glorious, fulfilling, magical work… but work nonetheless. I’m still slowly but surely picking away at boxes and other tasks that need to be accomplished. All of important items are all unpacked and away, but some of the things we don’t use on a regular basis have been sitting in their boxes until I have time to get at them. Tonight I tackled the spare room. It’s kind of been our catchall for the things that don’t yet fit in our office or bedroom,…
The Shoe Count*
While I was at book club last week, my fabulous ladies and I started talking about my favourite subject: shoes. I can’t remember how or why it came up as we discussed Jane Eyre, but an interesting idea came forth from it. One of the girls asked me how many pairs of shoes I actually own, and I realized that I don’t know. Not only do I not know, I have absolutely no idea. In the days before I met the Hubster–when I was a student at Ghetto U–I was a die hard shoe-a-holic. At my peak, I owned 100 pairs of shoes. I had worked at a shoe store…
Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?
I love my family. We have so much fun together, and I love hanging out with my brothers and sisters AND my parents. Seriously. How many people can say that and mean it? Tonight my mom made dinner for Doodle, Teep, M, Big Dad and I. (It was a fabulous chicken stew with biscuits, in case you were wondering.) During dinner we began talking about some of our individual plan for our respective lawns and were asking Teep for some advice. He has worked as a landscaper in the past and is a bit of a “Garden Guru”. Doodle, Mom and I were all wondering about costs and needs to…