Random Junk*

  • Random


    I don’t know if I’ve ever actually written about this before. I had an experience the night my grandfather died that has stayed with me for almost 20 years… it’s like an imprint on my heart. I’ve wrestled back and forth over whether or not it was real, but my memory of that night is so crystal clear, so I feel like it was. I don’t speak about it very often as it always makes me very emotional (I’m already ugly crying as I type). I’ve always hesitated writing about it because it was just so personal for me, but at the same time I want to record it and…

  • Random

    Delivery Day!

    Today was delivery day! I was a feeling weird mix of emotions about it yesterday. The prospect of groceries was exciting, but I was also nervous about potentially bringing germs into my home. Remember when grocery shopping was not stressful and like a mini-vacation out of the house? Those were good times. I had them delivered into the garage, then went out with gloves and Lysol to wipe my life away. I transferred them all into my own cloth bags and brought them into the house where I removed whatever packaging I could and cleaned the rest. Grocery shopping is definitely not a vacation anymore. (But I’m also grateful that…

  • Random

    One Year Later.

    Today is superhero day. I have a confession to make: while I wanted to do this Self-Isolation Spirit Week to help other families, a big motivation for creating it was selfish. I knew I would need a distraction this week… and there is a specific reason that I chose today as “Superhero” Day. I think this COVID-19 crisis is redefining who we see as superheroes. To me, first responders now include doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters, grocery clerks, restaurant cooks, pharmacists, delivery drivers and so many others. These people are putting themselves at risk so that we don’t have to. If that’s not heroic, I don’t know what is. …but…

  • Random

    I Went to the Store.

    I can’t say that I ever thought that me leaving the house to go to the grocery store would be newsworthy, but these are strange, strange times. I’ve been debating whether or not to go for three days. I haven’t been grocery shopping since March 10th, before everything went crazy. I have an online order coming from Walmart next Monday, but I’m nervous that I won’t be able to get all the things on my list. A friend told me yesterday that her order was altered with substitutions and several things were not included as they were out of stock by the time her order was ready for pick up.…

  • Random


    I haven’t been grocery shopping in almost two weeks. We’re still fine and have lots in our food storage, but I’m basically out of produce, eggs and almond milk. I’ve heard good things about the “click & collect” option, so I decided to give it a whirl. I’m trying to stay home as much as possible, so this seemed like good middle ground. It was actually kind of fun perusing through the virtual aisles to see what I could find. It took a while, but almost everything I was hoping to find was “in stock” (at the time) and I went to check out. I figured it would be a…