
  • Daily Junk*,  Photos*

    I Heart My Ghetto*

    Ugggggggggh… this week has sucked SO bad. On Monday I handed in a 15 page research paper about Nazi medical research. On Tuesday I had a presentation. On Wednesday I had homework and a French composition due. And today I had a big research presentation in one of my 4th year classes. Couple all of that with other readings, housework, putting in hours at both of my jobs (my grade 2s were OUT OF CONTROL today… not to mention they all have the flu and I think have made me sick) and you have one very, very, very tired Shop Girl. I’m so tired I might die. *sigh* At least…

  • Photos*

    New Hair*

    So, I cut it. What do you think?(that’s my gansta face… I’m going to my lovely ghetto tomorrow. I thought I should practice. haha) Shop Girl*

  • Photos*

    Shop Girl’s First Photos*

    Well, I said I was going to put up pictures, so here I go! I had a request from a friend to see what “The Hubs” looks like, so here is the handsomest man out there! :) This is the most recent photo of my family + the Hubs* Shop Girl*